Thursday, September 18, 2008

You know girls, they just wanna..

I gave up on Nationals today. The odds were stacked against me. I had the means to get there, but the coach thought it was a dumb move. My husband, who loves it when I travel, would have been rather unhappy with my three day vacation. And my reasons for wanting to go were purely selfish. I want to see my Timex teammates & all the tri people I enjoy so much. I want to defend last year's age group win. It's likely I'm not fit enough, but better to try than to not show. I want three days in a real city. I love Portland and I love my friend Val. I just want to have a little fun.. and Nationals at Hagg Lake is the perfect place for it.

Perhaps too much fun was had there last year. I fell off the podium. After trying to balance my award on my head. It was not entirely inappropriate, considering they gave me a beer stein.

I think there is a loss of momentum that occurs when out of the racing habit. This six months since my last big event may have skewed my perspective some. While I do feel that the time is likely right to back out of the Ironman training while the rest of my life is so busy, I reserve the right to change that opinion around 5pm on Oct. 11. It's a bit of a bug, this Ironman thing. All of triathlon, really.

I have a 6.5 hour brick, two long ocean swims and a 20 mile run with a 5k race thrown into it lying in wait for me here on Oahu this weekend. All fun things in their own way, with good friends in a beautiful place, so time to pay attention to the good stuff that's here, now. It's the last big weekend.


  1. smart plan! get your last big weekend in - it will serve you well and be much better than a tiring jaunt over to rainy portland. it is supposed to be cold and pissing rain all sunday. however, it will make you happy to know that another crazy mother of three will probably take the title. what is up with that? do i need to have another kid;)?

  2. Ha ha ha, am I mean?! I got the go! I get to race this weekend, come to Kona and race with me! JUST KIDDING, Rach, NOW is the time...

    I agree, FUN is more important than anything, BUT FUN is what you will have on October 11 when you are having a GREAT race, setting the age group record, and totally setting a PR! These sacrifices will be worth it...

    Hang tuff this weekend, you are doing GREAT, so GREAT, almost there! Have a super training weekend, enjoy it and your beautiful island and the fun chicks over there to train with!

    See ya soon on my side of Hawaii...

  3. Seriously, someone must have video of you falling off the podium. That's freakin brilliant.
    See I need a coach that will tell me not to race. Know any? :P

  4. Have a great training weekend!! Sounds like a full one...but has to be close to the last big one... Enjoy!

  5. Smart move sister!!! I would rather see you rock in Kona than at a silly TWO HOUR RACE! HA HA HA!

    :-) Mary

  6. Good move. Keep your eye on the Kona prize. No sense adding more stress of packing up, shelping your bike and so forth when Kona is looming. Besides, won't you see your buddies at Kona? And to think you'd miss the 6.5 hour brick, 2 long ocean swims and a 20 mile run with a 5K race. Egads. No!
    I'd like to do the 2 long ocean swims. It's the only thing I'd have any chance of staying with you. Maybe thats even wishful thinking!! :-)

  7. This is the last long weekend! Then you'll be so ready for Kona.

  8. It makes me feel better when I read that everyone else is putting in their last big weekends too! I'm not alone! I love the wetsuit riders pick. What was that about? Extreme heat training? Man, you guys might need more to do there in Hawaii.. then again, maybe I should think about that as the weather here starts to turn colder..six hours tomorrow in a wetsuit.. I might pass out. Better not! The ER people might think I am too stupid to be saved. Have a rockin weekend of training RR!!!!

  9. Hang in there RR! I know this season hasn't been all that you had hoped - but sometimes life gets in the way. Eye on the prize - you'll have great workouts this weekend and get to be with the kids. :) I am sending all my good vibes to you!

  10. You have an awesome weekend lined up!!! Go get some.

  11. After a season with few big training weekends and even fewer big races, I'm seriously jones'n that feeling of exhaustion and accomplishment that comes at the end of that last "big weekend." Enjoy the weekend, enjoy your fitness and then put 'er in cruise control until the finish line on Oct. 11! Cheers, IY

  12. Rach, LOVE your opportunities. People would kill to be like you. (Myself included.) You are living a dream. But of course, if you aren't happy, well then, do what makes you happy.

  13. Rachel, it sounds like you are giving yourself the opportunity to be successful at the race in Kona. After your previous post about quitting biking and swimming, I was a little worried about your mental state. Keeping it together mentally is just as important as hard training. I wish I could babysit for you to help you out a few nights a week but we all have a path to walk and this is yours right now. You are a tough one, I know you can do it!

  14. Please pass the kleenex...SNIFF for both of us NOT going to Nationals...!!! SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Have a great weekend of training! Jen H.

  15. YOU ARE ALMOST THERE....almost party day!!!! enjoy it as after the race you are not going to know what to do with yourself...Like me...I am BORED so I have to pretend to be you and Bree just to motivate myself:) BUT it is so FUN:)
    WOW big training weekend for you have FUN!!!

  16. Missed you tons... it was fun for sure, but would have been even better with you there. Hugs to you!
