Wednesday, September 24, 2008


First off, I have to touch on something I just don't understand: why do my toes insist on regrowing toenails? Evolve for chrissake, little digits! Evolve! I am not a fan of home surgery. But sometimes it is a must. The 57 mile run week took out two toenails on the larger foot. I guess that's two less to lose on October 11.

I am sitting here in pinstriped BCBG slacks, four inch Taryn Rose pumps (with studs! They have studs, I'm not 100% librarian yet, people!) and a black Diane Von Fostersomething blouse. Interview attire. Grown-up clothes are not that fun. Nothing I'm sporting is stretchy. Taryn Rose was a podiatrist, my eye. Taryn Rose was some kind of pain-producing dominatrix before getting into shoes. Today I am 6'3" of teetering headhunter-bound blondeness.

There is entirely too much kindness around this blog. Don't you people know that being nice to me just makes me cry? Where are my HTFU, Ross! comments?

A writing career as suggested sounds lovely. You blogland friends are too kind. One of my best friends, Katherine of blog-infamy from all the times she's dropped me and all the times I've posted our double-mint twin photos (seriously, must we always wave in unison?) is a full time writer for the local paper and various magazines. It is not an easy field to break into. And it is not a field that will support the five humans I must feed and shelter at entry-level, unfortunately. It is something I will continue to work to build a base for in the long run, when that husband of mine finishes law school and gets out there in the world. Check out Honolulu Magazine's Outdoor Adventures byline.. Drag Your Kids Outside might sound familiar. In the mean time, I am applying to anything and everything.

I have some happy news to report. At Ala Moana on Monday evening with Katherine, the swim came back. Our open water 500s on 8:00 actually had more than half a minute of rest instead of gasp, gasp, go! And at the end of Tuesday evening's weekly dose of chlorine, I completed a long pull set to find a group of four standing at the end of my lane. A coach and his pupils. I squinted up at them and asked if he was using me to show them how not to swim. Apparently it's cold in hell right now.. because he was using me as an example of a "perfect, long and powerful stroke with great rotation and reach." I hadn't laughed so hard I snorted in a long time.. I told him I learned it watching Ian Thorpe on youtube.


  1. I keep asking my masters swimming coach (its become a running joke now) if I can demonstrate some of the drills for the new people that come in. He always laughs at me and shakes his head... what's up with that??? JERK! ;)

    And can we talk about the hot pic of you in Triathlete along with the dreamy/bad ass comments they made about you. NICE WORK! I'd just ask you to flip two more pages and look at the very bottom, left hand corner of the page... I wonder who took that awesome picture that is barely visible at the bottom of the Coffees of Hawaii ad? I pointed that out to Rog... he laughed and told me I was pathetic. JERK! ;)

  2. At least your pedicures should be cheaper. My toenail is finally fully grown back. Just in time for another IM!

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I ever said one good thing about you on that last post. I fell short of HTFU though, and for that I apologize. With those heels you should easily get a high priced escort job - was that a nice comment? teehee

    And what's the story with this Triathlete thing? I can't get it locally and I refuse to pay for that trash to come direct. Hook me up with some info!

  4. HTFU
    and get a job... slacker.

  5. what does the h stand for? this has always bothered me.

    It is NOT an easy job to break into. It's rough. And kids makes it rougher, it's probably not ok if your kids eat crackers for dinner sometimes. but keep plugging away in your free time and see where that takes you.

    i'm meaner in real life. blogland is nice.

  6. Kelly - H is for harden

    Anonymous - You're not supposed to be reading blogs, you're supposed to be studying the law.. slacker.

  7. Who needs toenails anyway? I have a habit of loosing them after races - something about wet socks or shoes. Yuck! Good luck with the 4-inch heels. That would be a disaster for me.... how do you balance? Wait - core work, that's it. :)

    Nice job on the swim! Woo-hoo - sweet! Great to get a compliment like that. You've earned it!

  8. Yeah, you don't want to end up like Kelly, doing nothing all day but reading other people's blogs and gossiping with Courtenay on chat. That would DEFINITELY not be productive or pay for a family.

    And since I don't have enough mean bones in me to be super snarky, I'll just send you a snarky 'someecards' that basically says HTFU. :)

    Just click here:
    An encouraging sentiment from Sarah

  9. Ok, I've watched that slow motion Ian Thorpe video like 300 times now and I still swim like an elephant! What am I missing!!!

  10. RRRRRRRRRRR.... that's your name written out as GRRRRRRRRRRR....

    I am about to crap my pants! 57 miles of running in a single week?! you ARE a runner, I am major envious, you should be the one with the pro card, my puny 40 miles a week is a joke compared to you!

    ANYWAYS, you sound good and happy! Almost 2 weeks till show time, can't wait to watch you rock star!

  11. Its crazy how just when you think $hit doesn't work out, it all falls into place.....Big Girl Clothes and all..........(I am so with you on the stretch..went to the Limited the other day and purchased my first pairs of slim,stretchy pants for my new job...WAA WAA!! I wish I could keep wearing scrubs!!!!!Its like going to work in pjs!)

    But I am glad to know that I am not the only blogger who totally digs your literary skills enough to think you should do it for a job!!! :) Happy career hunting......At least you'll look good searching for one!!!

  12. I wanna see some photos of those fancy shoes... We are just about into Sorels (snowboots) around here. :)
    Keeping my fingers crossed for your job search.

  13. All this time I had assumed the H was for hurry. I should probably do both anyway!

  14. If you are going to be a writer, you need to work on your grammar! The following sentence contains an appositive phrase which is missing a comma: "One of my best friends, Katherine of blog-infamy from all the times she's dropped me and all the times I've posted our double-mint twin photos (seriously, must we always wave in unison?) is a full time writer for the local paper and various magazines."

    But good luck on the job search ;)

  15. We want to see a pic of that outfit and those shoes! LOL!!

  16. All right to show you I am a true friend stop whining and go work those shoes to get a job. HTFU eh!

  17. I am almost horrified that you said the word blouse. Oh my god.
    Here's where HTFU originated from.... (then I stole it from Paulo)

  18. Just saw this on CNN:

    "15 jobs that pay $50,000 -- and might be hiring"

    "Environmental scientists and specialists, including health
    Annual median income: $58,380*
    Projected employment in 2016: 104,000
    Increase between 2006 and 2016: 25 percent"

  19. Hi Rachel,
    I have been reading your blog for months and LOVE it. I just wanted to say that I am so impressed that whatever life throws at you, you seem to take it in stride and make the best of it. I feel like I was just reading about your IT band problem, and now you are running 57miles/week. I am sure that you will find a great job before you know it.
    You rock and are going to be fabulous in Kona. Thanks for blogging.

  20. Yeah... what's a blouse? I ain't got one of those...

    Stop hangin' around the corner drug store and get busy...

    Oh.. and plan your (special kona exception)one day of candy
    intoxication then it's over.

  21. Wow, your outfit consisted of 2 of my favorite designers - Dianne Von Furstenburg and BCBG! Love it!! I feel ya with the PAIN of high heeled shoes though...yeah, I can wear heels for all of 10 minutes before getting blisters or twisting an ankle!!!! Really, I'd just wear flip-flops or go barefoot all the time if I could (or wear these -

    Best of luck on your job search, and congrats on getting your swim mojo back!!!! :-)

    Sending all my job-finding vibes your way!! (I understand, I'm doing the same thing at the moment...except working at a coffee shop is sounding a lot better than 5+ more years as a post-doc...)

  22. Hope you find a job soon! You will! Knock'em dead with your bad, 6'3" self in heels. I know how you feel, I am 6'0", sometimes 6'1" in heels. But that's a GOOD thing, gives you a "leg up" on the competition (heh, heh).

    Good luck! And HTFU!

  23. Rachel you and some of these other ladies are way to tall. If I wear heels I'm lucky to break 5'3 ;-)
    Wow what I could do with legs that length!!!
