Tuesday, September 23, 2008


On Friday my boss called to tell me he had no choice but to shut down our little Honolulu office. San Diego lives on, but I am a Hawaii girl and need to stay put. So now that it's my turn to support the family for the first time ever, I go and get laid off... for the first time ever. It's time to get job shopping, which may well be the only kind of shopping that I am not good at.

Hillary says they must have discovered my week-old facebook habit. But that can't be it, as I only hit the hard stuff at night. It's unfortunate I cannot get paid to write on walls or fling food.

I told my parents the bad news via email. My dad's one-sentence reply: One door closes, another door opens. He's not even the family yogi, it's my mom who wears t-shirts with got yoga? printed upside down on them. I replied: Paint the fence, Miyagi-san. Haven't heard from zen-dad since.

Ramsey cheered me up when I came home puffy-eyed, snotty & feeling completely expendable. The first thing he asked when I walked in was Will you look at Sky's kindergarten homework and tell me if I did it right? There was a long pause before we both cracked up at the absurdity of the question. I checked, he did it right.

The thing is, I'm not sure I want to be an environmental scientist anymore. I really like the people I work with and will miss them, but it might be time for something different. My favorite part about my job is the editing and any writing I can get my hands on. I want a writer's job. Me and every other blogger. Or maybe I would do well in sales. I think clients would fear the motor mouth assault. I could verbal diarrhea them into buying my wares.

My mom replied with her own one-liner: Have you considered the oldest profession in the world? Unfortunately, I don't think that gig offers health benefits. In fact, it may offer anti-health benefits. But thanks, Ma.


  1. Well that is a real bummer but I think your Dad is right. Use this time to look for something that you really enjoy and like.

  2. time to move on. 1 month before Kona..I guess it was meant to be. Things will come together before you know it. I guess there is now time to spend with the family :)
    Everything will be just fine, I'm sure! :)

  3. Oh, Rachel. I will keep my fingers crossed that the right door opens for you, and soon. (And that it pays a lot and does not have computers with Facebook and Blogger blocked.) I am glad that Skye (and her homework) brought you some smiles last night.

  4. Oh ick...getting laid off sucks...Follow your passion though Rachel...start making some connections with some writers - I have a good Technical writer friend, but he is in, um, CHICAGO! haha....what ? It is 58F this morning...?? Once Kona is over you will have plenty of time to look for a new career. Good luck! Jen H.

  5. Sorry to hear you got laid off, but it is probably for the best. Just think of it as an opportunity.

    And at least you know your husband can correctly complete kindergarten homework.

  6. I'm bummed for you - but just think - in a few weeks time you could very well look back on this as such a blessing as it was just the kick you needed to start off on your great new writing career!! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you to find something you love and are passionate about!!

  7. i'm a writer for an advertising agency so i write television commercials, print ads, radio, etc. it's a GREAT job. i stare at the ceiling until an idea comes to me - then i go to starbucks to talk to a barista about it. next thing you know i'm watching the real world and BAM, there's my commercial.
    i've always admired your creative writing skills. i think you should look into it.

  8. Awww..so sorry to hear that. I think your father is right though..and I always think "everything" happens for a reason..you will find out what that is I'm sure.
    Good luck@

  9. Sorry to hear about the job. Another door will open. Trust dad. Did you see Triathlete magazine? They kinda like you. Maybe write for them?

  10. Awww girl, I'm sorry. Something better is out there for you-think of this as your opportunity to find it.

  11. oh man....there has got to be something more YOU...

    james and i talk about the "how can we make money on the internet" or "when are we opening our healthy cycling cafe slash wine bar" almost daily...

    yourstuff is good. you should get paid for this crap. you make me laugh!!!
    i say, talk to anyone important you know in the tri world...
    also- are the enviro (that's what you did, right?) / triathlon crossovers?

    or write for a tri magazine.. or we can start our ownn...first online site for multisport women?

  12. Grant/proposal writing for the Nature Conservancy? I know they have a Hawaii office. Um, if I think of anything else I'll let you know.

    Hang in there!

  13. Rach I strongly believe "things happen for a reason" You have many talents...your smart, witty, beautiful, athletic and the list could go on....ONLY YOU will know what you want to do and GO after it and I am sure you will have it:) Good Luck and keep us posted!!

  14. So, so sorry to read this. We were in the same boat in February when Brian was laid off, but he found something better in the end. I'm certain you'll find something that suits you more and encourages stretchy pants in the office. Sending you good vibes from a gazillion miles away.

  15. Hopefully the word 'severance' was part of that 'sorry but..' conversation?! I was laid off twice in my life as an accountant, both times the companies were sold. I got tired. Mmmm, I thought what is the one job where that never happens? I know, Teaching!! So I took my degree and entered the Career Switcher program and six months later I was a math teacher.
    Teachers might never get laid off but they work much harder than accountants! It's fun though.
    I like ELF's idea. Write something and submit it. See what happens...

  16. Man, I regret that you're having to go through this. OF COURSE there will be a silver lining, but it doesn't take away the big ass rain cloud at the moment. Thinking of you and sending a hug.

  17. Rachel- YOU CAN and WILL find something utilizing your strengths in a new job. This is a perfect opportunity for you to create the ideal situation....writing, sales, flex schedule, IM world....whatever you want to make of it. I once walked into a Sales Exec office, surrounded by 50 year old, polished, white boys, and "demanded" a part-time sales gig. I was also 8 months pregnant. Go out there and make it happen...just like you do at each race, just like you do at home with your family, just like how you live your life! Use your IM friends for ideas and support!

    Still cheering for you in Colorado.
    Taryn Murtagh

  18. ok, I am only going to post this ONE MORE TIME....(didn't I post this last week?...hehehehe

    ..you are a damn good writer, you are funny, witty, and adventures in training/mommying/scabbing your body while training are a pleasure to read....Now you just gotta figure out where to seek this out....

    Check out SWEAT publications...its a free mag but my guess is they pay their employees...its a starting point....

    AIM HIGH.......worst case scenario, you land on your 2 ft and start back where you came from....

  19. Rach,

    You are so creative and witty-That combo would be awesome in marketing & advertising. You've created a huge fan base in the Tri community, so starting with a 'Tri brand' company could be a start??!!

    You also have the gifts to be a great model: You could create the ad, then feature yourself in it! Seems like a WIN WIN for the company!

  20. Kid at School: What does your mom do?

    Sky: Gramma says she's in the oldest profession in the world

    Kid at School (to kid at school's mom): Sky's mom is in the oldest profession in the world

    Kid at school's Mom (to her husband): Let's revise the party list

    Hang in there Rach! I'm sure you will find something out there that you love! (hopefully something legal)

  21. Well - at least with you Mom's idea, you would be spending plenty of time OFF your feet. And that would be good for triathlon, right? ;)

    In all reality, I'm really sorry - that totally sucks. Hang in there - there are lots of creative ideas from the people who wrote before me... focus on Kona and then do what you gotta do. I'm cheering for you!

  22. i'm sorry! i know you'll find something that you enjoy - i really try to believe that everything happens for a reason(hopefully you figure out that reason soon!)
    now at least you have time to have the world's best taper!

  23. That sucks. But your parents are hilarious! I love them.

    I will ditto everyone above in that I think you are talented and definitely have a place in the writing world...now you just have to go get it! :)

    Now train hard and it will happen!

  24. Oh man, I'm sorry to hear this Rachel!! :( Seems like these sorts of things happen when we least expect it too...

    Good thing is, now's the opportunity to suss out the kind of career you'd like to have, and then follow that dream! Honestly, being a PhD scientist isn't something I want to do forever. I'm with Beth on the opening a bike shop/cafe sort of idea (and I'm really digging the online multisport site for women)...

    I'll be sending you all my "find a job" vibes over the next few weeks!!! Of course, if you came to San Diego, you'd make some great friends here!! :)


  25. Rach! This is your wake-up woman call! Honest, time to DO SOMETHING else... you would never just quit something, so the something quit you (it might be a blessing).

    Find a writing job, you are GOOD at it! OR come to Kona, kick @$$ (like you will) get an agent, and get some sponsors paying your salary!! You can do either of those things you enjoy!

    Darn I am so sorry though, I hope you find some funds ASAP! Try not to get to stressed, your big day is coming and you gotta be ready!

  26. Thank you Justin Baum! I agree 100% with you and said this a long time ago!

    Rachel has more writing talent then anyone I know. Go for it Girl!

  27. oh no! that sucks and I'm sorry it's so rough, but dad-yogi might be right. find another door!

  28. ah geeze Rach... chin up. That's not the job for you after all and soon you will see that knowing it's given you another chance to find something you really really want to do.
    Time to gear up for Kona.
    Another job (that you really like) is right around the corner or rather behind that door as your dad said.
    Nice write up about you in the new issue of Triathlete Mag. (Sam McGlone on cover) Yikes.. I get the feeling you ah.. know
    how to run. LOL I'd be very very worried, all those women 30-34...

  29. I am sorry life seems to have a way of raining on us at times :-( I know there is a reason for this and it's probably that something awesome is waiting for you to find it. All the best with painting the fence ;-)
    P.S. Open a store with Bree and sell her balls!!!!

  30. I'm sure something good will turn up soon! Best wishes!

  31. Why do they always announce lay-offs on a Friday? Trust me, I know the feeling... getting laid off when you're 6 months pregnant sucks too. And it's not true that they don't lay off teachers... I got laid off from my 6th grade teaching position in 2002. CRAZY!
    Seriously though, you are quite talented so I know you'll come up with something. And if you need a business partner, let me know. ;)

  32. Dang! Probably not the best timing to get laid off. Do what you can to make the most of it. I've been in a similar situation--we were evicted from our rental house (owner wanted to move back into it) right before Christmas and my boyfriend didn't have a job at the time and even better, had zero prospects. After some mad scrambling we were able to buy and house and were married in the yard there several months later. My husband went back to school for an MBA and he now has his dream job and he works from home.

    Sometimes a curve ball or hitting rock bottom is a good thing.

    I'm sending you best wishes for a peaceful mind during this time. Take care!

  33. Ya, what Tracy said... sell Bree's balls!! Oh man I have a warped sense of humor :D

  34. aw! jobs are retarded. i'd give you mine but you'd hate it, and me for making you move to incline.

    anyway i agree with justin b. and everyone else pretty much. write! you are so good at it! and especially writing in the tri world, where everyone knows and loves you, your foot AND leg are already through the door. speaking of legs, you could also become elle mcpherson's body double/face double, that's what i would do if i were you.

  35. I am so sorry.. hope something wonderful comes along soon.

    the job site I've found most helpful is:

    In a just world, your writing talents would earn you a good living. In our world, John Scalzi has the lowdown on writing for a living:
    My father had a job to pay the bills, and wrote for his muse. The writing was his life, but he never earned anything near a pittance from it..

  36. Oh man, one of those weeks with the job market - you and many others have lost their jobs in the past week! know you are going to come back and post in no time that you have a fabulous job. I agree with Mel, you are very talented, and have so much to offer - I think you should definitely go for something involving writing/sales. Keep us updated!

  37. Sorry to hear about getting laid off, but I agree with your dad. I don't think turning tricks and triathlons go together very well, but I am sure that you will find something soon!

  38. I see it as bad news and good news. It could be a great opportunity for you to find something you can do and enjoy working from home and having the flexibility to be there for the kids and do your training. I may be able to occasionally pass on some editing work (written by non-native English speakers), provided I can get some related to your field. If you are interested (it will be pretty hit and miss initially) please write me at asiabruce@gmail.com. All the best.

  39. oh yeah. DUH! quit sandbagging.
    GO PRO.

  40. Yours is the only blog I read regularly because I know the hilarity will be worth my time. Write. Or get some kick ass sponsors. Either way.

  41. Man rach, I really wish I had a job for you. But I do still need a website designed. I'll have to get you some details on that. The right thing will come along. Maybe you could start Sky in modeling.

  42. Holy crap! 43 comments and no one has said it yet... sell advertising space on your body during Kona. You're wearing a tiny little Splish so you'll have lots of space to sell off! :P

  43. I love love love your blog and had to comment. I'm a technical writer (and triathlete of course!). Check out Society for Technical Communication (stc.org...or sth close!) for info on tech writing positions all over the world if you think you may want to do that. They also have ultra creative spots in this nerd world too. Good luck! And try to enjoy the downtime if you can - i know it's hard.
    eewichtoski@gmail.com - if you want ANY info a all!

  44. Um, on a positive note: Congrats on the write-up in Triathlete!

    Times like these are great for balancing what you have to do with what you want to do - and trying to make those two overlap.

  45. 1584 McJerkface Jerky F W30-34 32 USA

    GOOOOO 1584!

  46. Rach I'm sorry- I am in full agreement with the other 492 comments. You will find the perfect avenue that suits your wonderfully wicked sense of humor, your amazing talent as a writer and your kick ass self in general. I know an ad agency here in Portland that might need someone... Oh, and I can't find you on Facebook. Jerk.

  47. BUMMER!!!

    I don't have time to read what everybody else says, but I'm sure I'm repeating it.

    Still, maybe it's a sign that you get to try something new in life? Of course it's inconvenient right now, but when is life TOTALLY convenient?

    Your blog is awesome, so you know you're a great writer. I don't know much more about you because I haven't been a reader for long enough, but I have no doubt you will find your way through this!

    Keep your head up, Rachel. :)

  48. rachel -

    like others, i was sorry to learn of your woes. on the encouragement front, what i can tell you is that my bother was able to refashion himself from engineer wanna be to a writer. now he gets to watch baseball all day, write for the best statistical publication in the baseball world and he gets paid to do it, talk about it, etc, etc. he's my brother, and if he can do it, anyone can. honestly. no really. you haven't met my brother. it's proof anything is possible. anything.


  49. Well, I'll just be the 5,493 person to say, your writing skills do indeed rock! Every time my google reader says you've posted, I can't help but be diverted from my work to read your latest comments that are sure to bring a laugh. Good luck, I am sure a new a better door will soon open!
