Saturday, September 27, 2008

Taper + unemployment = bad combination.

Come on, you have to admit it. The scar on the lower part of my hip IS the Big Island.

And yes, I do have a lot of free time on my hands.


  1. HA HA! Awesome!!!!! It';s like seeing the Mother Mary's face in a hamburger bun!

  2. Totally - its a sign. You were meant to do Kona this year! :)

  3. Looks like a match! Sounds like your training is going awesome - you are Miss Speedy on the run!

    Hope the job hunting is going well - good luck with the interviews and try not to get stressed out.

  4. Big Island all the way... where's the mouth, why don't you show the ugly mouth scar that makes even the strongest stomachs weak!?

    I hear ya on the taper... TOO much time...just don't go hiking, bad for the taper!

  5. yeah forget the IM tattoo and just crash your bike the RR style and you can have the whole damn BIG ISLAND for FREE!! that is funny,,,,but ouchy too:)

  6. Ouchie - that looks like it hurts. I am excited for your Kona race - who knew that race prep also included a few battle scars? You are showing that you are not only mentally but physically prepared as well!

  7. Shoot, I just read the comments and Marit totally stole what I was going to say. Whatever - It IS a sign.. you are meant to do Kona and you are going to rock it with the big island all tattooed right there on your body. I was sorry to hear what happened with work. I only got to read it quickly while I was sneeking in peeks at my computer during the meeting ("um..I'll just check these um..sales numbers and um.. some blogs too but don't tell"). You know what though, things happen and you get through them and sometimes things that are even better come along and you wonder why you were even upset about the first thing (if you get that, you are awesome). I hope you're doing well and keep your head up.. only two weeks to an AMAZING day!!

  8. too funny. I just looked to see what my scar looks like. It looks like I have ring worm. Oops.

  9. dude you are soooo wrong....

    poor Bree has your pet rock now! watchout.....:)

  10. I have the same shorts... AT least they look like the same lulu's

    Welcome to taper time!

  11. Those are shorts? I was wondering what part of the body this was!

  12. Hilarious...! :)

    How's the job hunt going???

  13. Are those shorts lululemon? they are my all time faves for short runs.

  14. I want a picture of you taking this picture. Did you use a mirror? Did someone take it for you? What your secret?

    Looks 'tough.'

