Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The start.

It's triathlon frenzy time here. The volume of my friends' training is wild. I go back and forth between scared for their health and scared that I am just a clueless bimbo for not doing more. I mean, I just took two days off in attempt to develop scabs. There's a goal I never thought I'd have. I haven't swam in 8 days. I am not healing.. and it might have something to do with all the lip sunscreen I smooshed into the road rash for two days in Kona. I had to keep the sweat out. Sweat burns. I almost made Bree throw up - she says I greatly undersold my grossness.

Ironman Wisconsin over the weekend was an incredible race. I was screaming for Hillary Biscay and jumping up and down in tears happy when she crossed the line. Hillary is so much fun, and I love seeing someone do what they love - and succeed. That comeback re-pass at mile 25 shows so much mental strength and strong will.. I am so impressed.

Ironman Wisconsin is the reason I decided to do a triathlon. In 2003, about 8 months pregnant with Sky, I went to Madison to watch my friend compete and witnessed my first triathlon. My friend Julie, also quite pregnant, and I rolled around the run course on mountain bikes. I thought it was insane. I'm sure I said NEVER. And then decided to do a sprint once Sky was on the outside.

Holding my friend's baby in Verona, ready to pop with baby #3 myself.

When Sky was nine months old I did an Xterra race. I hadn't been off-road on a bike since high school. It was ugly. My friend Candes convinced me to do the women's sprint a couple of weeks later. I spent $200 on a very used 58 cm steel fuji road bike with flat pedals. I stood knee deep in the water nursing Sky to make sure I was on empty, and lost Ramsey. I found him just before the gun went off for the baby hand-off. I felt I had a huge advantage in T2 because I didn't have to change my shoes. I came in 9th, placed in my age group, and got my first medal. I was sold.

That was four years ago this weekend. It took me two years to do what I said I never would - Ironman. And I loved it. But I might love the little Na Wahine Sprint Triathlon coming up this weekend more. All the girls are coming out. The past five year's winners are racing. More importantly, there will be at least 100 women doing their first triathlon. And up at the front it's going to be fast. No doubt Bree is recovered from Canada/Kentucky, and I don't expect to see anything of her but her kick-bubbles for about 10 seconds, then she'll disappear. Katherine is killing me in training and will likely kick my ass. Tanya has won every cycling race on the island, and there are some new girls on the rock as well.. I cannot wait to race again, it's been much too long.

My first Ironman - having way too much fun up Palani.


  1. Wow Rachel - you certainly have done a lot in 4 years!!!! And I'm sure you have a lot left to go... Best of luck this weekend. This are the kinds of races that are the best!!

  2. Seriously, that "thing" on your leg is GROSS, you made it sound like a little bump but that thing is ridiculous! I told Eileen I think I saw your bone!

    Na Wahine was my first ever triathlon EVER! I so hope I get to come over... I would love to race just for fun with a bunch of fast chicks (why is that race always so competitive for a sprint!?) I got butterflies just thinking about it... I will let you know if I get to go (depends on the "man of the house") I already got coach convinced I have to go... ha ha!

    I love that bubble blowing photo of you with Sky too!

  3. Good luck this weekend!
    *Love* the picture with Sky. I hope my baby is a girl just like her. Or if I have a boy maybe he'll fall in love with her... ;)

  4. ah, the first race! i totally thought the same thing about having an advantage in t2 but i dont think it worked that way.

    have fun!

  5. Fun times...did I hear a rumor that you and I might muck it up in Kona in a week or two???

  6. Look at the smile on the bike at your first Ironman. This is where Jerky McJerkface's come from hehe.
    You have cake and make sure you enjoy the hell out of it for me. I will join you on the next day 8 since I really only ate crap the last 8 anyways hah. Gotta lessen the fat for Kona!

  7. Hillary was right. . .your blog is hilarious. Shame on me for not being more into this whole blogging thing & checking it out sooner. Good luck w the rest of your kona prep! See you over there: )

  8. Good luck in your race this weekend! It sounds like a fun one. I like the "clueless bimbo" approach to training.

  9. Have a great time at the race, RR! I LOVE Racing locally sometimes and just have fun!!! Sometimes the local races are just as competitive as the big ones! :) Take lots of pics! Jen H.

  10. Ok, I could use some pointers here--what were you smoking on Palani to be looking so happy and where can I get some of that for IMFL?! I want me some happy drugs too. Speaking of drugs, maybe you should get your road rash checked out--sound like a festering wound to me. Yuck.

  11. Yea! Have fun at the race! Cute photos - the one of you smiling up Palani is classic. :) Ah - breast feeding right before the start? There's something you probably don't see all that often. hee hee hee! Glad you made the hand off in time!

  12. Love the pictures - Sky is absolutely gorgeous! Have an awesome time at the Sprint this weekend - the local races are definitely always super-fun!

  13. AWESOME AWESOME pix. The sprint sounds great. I hope you decide to race it. Take lots of pictures!
    oh...and keep the RUBBER SIDE DOWN, got it? :-)

  14. Great pictures! I don't think it should ever be thought of as having too much fun! You should have too much fun! WOO HOO!

  15. Dude....can I do Na Wahine???
    Or is it discrimination weekend? LOL!!! I have my Tootsie wig I can wear!! and of course my splish!!

    Ping this!
