Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I can see again!

Before lunch I looked like Barkley.

And now, after being yelled at by Sherry for the third day in a row to get a freaking haircut before I cut eyeholes in those damn bangs, I went downstairs and did it. It was in the building at Heaven on Earth. It took about 4 minutes total and cost $10. And I have to say, last time, when I did it over the office bathroom sink with my crappy office scissors, it didn't come out nearly as well.

After lunch, I stood around drinking my passion tea watching my little ant farm below at Bishop Square. And I saw a roller-blader. He was clad in work-like attire, which really doesn't make it any better. And he was doing tricks in the crowded square. And I know it's not a nice joke, but I just couldn't help but think over and over as I watched him.. What's the hardest thing about roller blading? -- and, well, if you don't know the punchline to that old joke you're just going to have to google it.

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