Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Not a lot to report here from rossland. In totally not important news, I went from looking like Barkley:

to looking like Betty Page (sans the chest) due to an unfortunate run in with my office scissors in the ladies room. My colleagues were threatening to cut eye-holes in my hair, so it had to be done.

Turns out that you pretty much have to have the boobs to pull off a haircut that bad. I do not.

Since there's nothing esle to report, I thought I would post some beach day pictures for those still waiting for spring..

Henry and Wyatt made up a fun game - shove Wyatt off the wall..

then point and laugh. Any game that ends with point and laugh is a good game, in my book.


  1. I agree. If there's no blog pictures, it didn't happen.

  2. Ha ha great game, great pictures. And another vote for pics of the new haircut.

  3. LOVE the game! :) Great pictures of paradise... my bags are half packed. But it'll be a while before I make it out there... Yes - pictures of the bangs, please!

  4. Your kids are really cute. And I love the games they play... they look oddly familiar to what my boys do.... including stunts like naked wrestling when they should be in the shower, at that point I remind the hubby that they are HIS children and not mine!

  5. Yes, you should put up some pics of the new haircut!

    Looks like a very fun day at the beach - summer still seems far away here.

  6. Bangs are hot. Period. Even shorter bangs, as long as you're not sportin' goth clothes and a choker chain.
    Your kids are hilarious.

  7. Am I the only one that wants to know what that is floating in the water????

  8. LMAO - about all of it! But especially the pics of your kiddos.

    I used to sport the Betti look - black hair and all. I, also, have NO chest.

  9. yeah, i want to see pictures of the trim too. maybe you can get one of those fancy push up bras to help you pull off the bangs better ;).

  10. Ah the beach. We're heading to Santa Barbara tonight to get a dose of beachy sunshine!

  11. I bet Betty Page couldn't run 6 minute miles? :)
