Friday, April 24, 2009

earth day every day.

On earth day, which is heavily celebrated in an office full of environmental scientists and engineers, I accidentally hit print instead of save while pulling minute-data for sulfur over on the big island. A whole month's worth of data taken each minute. I am shunned. None of the super-hippies are speaking to me. Which would be terrible, if they didn't kind of smell funny anyway.
I ran an easy eight miles that morning, and had to drive the back-up car, a 93 eurovan, home from town in time to get the kids after an afternoon swim. Except there was some kind of construction emergency on Kal Hwy, and the eurovan does not like traffic. It's an awesome car, 16 years old with fewer miles on it than my bike shoes, but it gets very hot in traffic and has to stop. So when I realized I had a problem on my hands, I pulled off in Kahala and parked it at the mall. I had a pair of goggles, a cap, my blingy shades, and a silk DVF wrap dress with me. I was wearing my new hot pink lululemon bikini. I remembered the emergency shoes in the back of the van. So I had to decide - wait out 2 more hours of rush hour, or run 8 miles home in a traffic jam in a pink bikini, gold oakleys, and a pair of worn out newtons.

No, there are no photos. At least, I hope not. I beat everyone to Hawaii Kai, and made some friends in cars along the way though. And I had an accidental 16 mile run day. My question is this - does the gasoline not used and emissions not made make up for all the trees I killed?


  1. ha ha, I hope someone got fotos! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It makes up for the tree killer you are!

    Nice run Ross...

  2. That depends. Are you going to push the van back to Hawaii Kai?

    As for the paper, you could use the backside to print all of those emails that have this in the signature: "Please consider the environment before printing this email."

  3. only if you pushed the van 6 miles in the gold bikini

  4. That is hilarious! You must have received a lot of attention running in a pink bikini!

  5. As long as no one yelled, "Hey, it's Pat!" and then rear-ended the car in front of them, I think you're all good.

  6. That so made up for the printing disaster :)

  7. Funny mental image - oh, nice bangs, by the way :) You'll have to ask the office hippies about the paper vs. driving dilemma, though. Nice run day - woo hoo!

  8. Would love to have seen that :)
    Do you ride to work in the skirt ;-)

  9. I never owned a VW Kombi (Eurovan predecessor) but I've been on 3 distinct trips where 3 distinct Kombis overheated and turned into vehicular sculptures: oil leak, overheated by a lead foot, old age and exhaustion. We hitchhiked back from one, got an old hippie named Toffee to carve a new oil plug out of hardwood on another, and the police picked us up from the highway on the last (shades of JG Ballard). I guess they still haven't fixed that problem..

    Pink bikini and Newtons ? Must have been absolutely blinding ;-)

  10. I think they call it carbon off-setting. And companies pay big bucks for that stuff! HA :) And I bet ya made a bunch of guys day running by in your hottie outfit!

  11. I love the bike porn just thrown casually thrown in the back of that picture. :o)

  12. Hysterical. I work for a truck and engine company so earth day was celebrated by secretly shunned.

  13. Recycle the paper.
    Push the van.
    keep running in hot pink.
    You're back on the good side.
