Wednesday, April 29, 2009

april showers

Sky asked me last night as I washed her hair: Do you know what my favorite two parts of your body are? and I thought, uh-oh. Is this going to be like the time Wyatt asked my sister what those two round lumps on her chest were, and then added, because my mom doesn't have those? And then Sky told me - your arms and your mouth, so you can hug and kiss me. Sometimes on a shitty day in the middle of a shitty week, that girl is all I need. In a separate, clothed conversation, when asked what her earliest memory was, she replied, you know, that day we walked down Waikiki to visit Uncle Rabbit. You mean three days ago? Yes, that is my earliest memory. So on the plus side, nothing I say could possibly be scarring her for life.

There are hard changes and challenges afoot this week. I'm wading my way through the crap, and suddenly all the other things, the ones I thought I could count on, fell apart. My foot, for one. I have a pain in my heel that's difficult to even walk on - it started at the race on saturday, perhaps all that barefoot sand running was too much. So no running for a while, until I can walk again, anyway, and I should probably lay off the giant hooker heels at work. Not running is not good for my brain. And then I was reminded that sometimes, when you're down, people do shitty things to you. Friends are judging me, or not showing up on me, and I'm wasting energy on anger over little crap like busybody-ing that I should just ignore. But that's easier said than done, because I am, after all, my mother's daughter. And when you're bad to Lucy, you get a seat on her plane. Permanently. My swimming teacher from the second grade is still on that plane. But the plane is a story for another day.

Yesterday afternoon, Katherine and I went for a swim at Ala Moana. Mucky, nasty Ala Moana Beach Park had the clearest water I have ever seen there. Usually it's difficult to see my hand in front of my face, but today you could see the bottom. We swim there in spite of the ick because it's convenient, and because there are 500 m markers that we use for intervals. We warmed up 500, then started off on our first interval. I was able to hang side by side with K for the first couple 100, but then she pulled ahead, so I hopped on her feet, figuring it's got to be akin to motorpacing somehow. With about 100m to go, I hit her feet. She had stopped. But before I could catch my breath she started up again. I figured she hit some seaweed and forgot about it. Until we were out of the water a two intervals and a cool down later, and she told me that she stopped because of the very large shadow that swam by underneath us. It was too big to be anything but a good-sized shark. Lucky for us, he wasn't hungry! Lucky for me, I was too busy trying to breathe to see it.. because I probably would have gotten out and run back along the beach on my bum foot, injuring myself further. I've seen many, many sharks while scuba diving, but only two that ever scared me. A galapagos chased me out of the water in high school, and a large sandbar shark behaving oddly freaked me out off of Barber's Point a few years ago. But something about being on the surface makes them so much scarier..


  1. I saw big shadows a couple times yesterday evening at Ala Moana. I decided just to hang close to the group. Hope your week gets better.

  2. i really wish i knew what lucy's plane was

  3. Hey - that's an Oceanic Whitetip... pretty mean sharks in open water... best to stay away. Um, that's why I protest vehemently when I go into salt water... Sorry about the heel - good vibes your way. Hang in there!

  4. That is the cutest Sky anecdote. I can't stand meddling parents. Had a similar incident this week myself. Grr.

  5. Kids put it all in perspective... they remind of us of all that is right and important in the world. Sometimes I just shut out the rest of the world and focus on that.

    That is until I found Emma taking the magnets we use in our class science experiment and doing some 'testing' with their effect on the computer screen.

    Hang in there, girl!

    p.s. I saw an ax murder on my last ride. Just about to post pics ;)

  6. Perfect reason that I swim with eyes closed in open water. Dark shadows are too freaky. I don't ever want to be on your plane, because I am already piloting my own rocket "south." Aren't kids just the greatest little philosophers? Hope that heel feels better soon.

  7. I'm happy to take a trip out your way for some punches in the face of those that need them. Just sayin.

    If only we could find a way to never get injured. Sigh.

  8. Oh the sharks! I would have been scared senseless! I guess it's good you didn't know... ;) I hope the heel feels better. I hate running injuries! But hang in there because you will preservere!

  9. I cannot fathom seeing a fucking shark while open water swimming. Living in Hawaii has suddenly become far less appealing.

    You are a goddess for handling a shark sighting (even if you were oblivious) for that alone.

    I make it my policy to not ever hang with suburban mothers. Even though I am one.
    Actually, that's a lie. I do hang with the cool ones that lament their suburban mom status.

  10. I guess there is an upside to living in the midwest - no sharks. Hope your week gets better. And I'd like to know more about Lucy's plane as well.

  11. What a week! Apparently the swine flu isn't so bad when there's sharks eating people out there. :o)

  12. HEAL the HEEL!
    you have to let me babysit whenever i eventually come to oahu...i heart Sky!

  13. i love sky!
    rr, you are my kind of woman, i soooo know what you mean about people messing with your kids. yeah, you could let it go, but what fun would that be? put that anger to good use!!!
    hope your heel is feeling better soon!

  14. i loathe irritating, blubbering suburban moms, even though i am one. my best advice: stick your fingers blatantly in your ears while they drone on and on with a gigantic smile on their face. or draw a hand with the bird obviously present and place on their windshield. all irritants should be handled with such maturity.

    hand in there, rr, the karma will turn around...
    taryn murtagh

  15. I've seen some dark shadows swimming in Ala Moana but never thought anything of it as I thought it was "beach park" and protected. :((

  16. Hope the heel gets better.. Rest rest and yes, no running is hard on the brain. When the season finally comes to a close I still run because of just the dang need to run for sanity. You'll make it though!! Sharks..scary.. don't tell Marit, she loves sharks. She wants a shark as a pet!

  17. Man o man that IS a tough week. NO wonder you woke up at 3am today. Kick a$$ on the meddling parent. We'll back you up!

  18. Sky is the sweetest kid. You're so blessed.
    Major bummer about your heel. Do drop the hooker heels and wear some sensible shoes. Take really good care of your feet, ya only gots 2 of dem.
    Best wishes for a better week and a great weekend.

  19. Some people can be real jerks! You have children with beautiful hearts!
    I can't believe you are a runner and manage to wear hooker heals. Get some nice looking flats, your tall you can afford the lower shoe.
    Hope you heal quickly!

  20. Yikes! that's scary.

    Eleanor and I would love to see you guys! Maybe an OCC day with the stand ups?

  21. I know you had no clue that I even read this, but I do. I can't help it, you crack me up and your kids are too cute. So I had to leave a comment seeing as you brought up fond memories of MIRIAM SMALL... recently my mom busted out home movies of Holly in swim class and we all reminisced how much we hated her and how scary she was. And do you remember Rusty the lifeguard we thought was so hot??
