Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday in Kona..

Yes, that is Ironman perfume. No, it does not smell like B.O., although that would be appropriate. It was in the goody bag. Along with 6 conifers worth of paper. The Ironman folks are not at all concerned with that whole deforestation/global warming thing, based on the contents of the goody bag:

The 8:30 am flight to Kona was stacked with Boca-ites, with Yamamoto-san, K & I and Olympic-trial swimmer Flanagan all jumping on board the 40 minute flight. Flanagan ran a marathon once in prep for his first Ironman - in 2:50. You will hear his name when the first amateur comes out of the ocean on Saturday morning.

Team Timex mechanic extraordinaire Doug set up my bike for me. And found himself a present stashed in the fancy cardboard box. We surfed the Sunday after Kona last year and I hear board shorts are hard to come by in Wisconsin. I came back half way through to find my poor naked bike with no crank, fork, wheels, seat.. apparently something got lost in the frame. She's all set now, and Alex M-M even knew how to fix my powertap. It's sad, but I am no longer Chris Lieto.

It's go go go when you arrive this late. The first stop was the Zoot tent at Huggo's for my race shoes. The 09 ultras are silver and I love them! And while I was there I got to meet Kristin of Betty Designs, who designed my race suit for Kona. Which I hear will be arriving tomorrow.. Kristin and I have similar taste in sunglasses:

David Goggins was at the expo. It'll be his first Ironman. He does 100 milers, Badwater, and the Ultraman, so I asked if this would feel like a sprint. He said he doesn't know what sprinting is. He is worth googling - the man is incredible. And somehow The Sergio always ends up in my hottie photos.. what a coincidence.

After the panel at the expo, my bike was ready to roll and then it was off to registration, room check-in, and general running around like a chicken with no head. I met Tracy and Shawn and got my Nuun-addiction refueled. I had a powerbar for lunch. And another a few hours later. At some point Katherine put my room key in my hand. About 8 minutes later I realized it was gone. The Seaside uses real keys. Giant metal ones. Once I stuffed one down my swimsuit top for a long swim and lost it in the ocean, so I know all about the $50 key replacement fee. I went to visit my coach at the Lifesport Lounge, walked in and dumped out my bag. No key.

Check out my new shoes! And all the crap I carry in my purse. And my IT-band icing set up.

I went and searched the Boca bike shop. No key. I searched the registration area. No key. Then I remembered throwing away lunch's wrapper at Boca and sat down with the trash bin. I went through piece by piece, soggy napkin by chewed-gum nugget, and found the key at the bottom, inside a cardboard powerbar box. And then I washed my hands like Woody Allen.

Off to Lava for dinner and to find more friends.


  1. this is definitely my favourite "i am in kona aren't i fast and awesome oh and look at all my famous friends" blog post that i have read yet, sorry to pick favourites but you are my favourite.

    also, i have to admit, after that morning swim in waikiki a few weeks ago and i eyed your awesome enormous purse i was in international market (i know, i know, not my idea) and saw a purse stand and got a knockoff one VERy similar to yours and it's freaking GREAT, i can fit sooo much crap in it and hey, i might kinda look like a mini rachel ross!! wooooo!

    what's your favourite nuun? i LOVE orange ginger. oh and i think i am having my own personal training camp (although i might drag ben along?!!??!) in hawaii in january-ish. you are invited too! we'll go swimming!

  2. yep. you are my favorite the blingy new zoots! i would have lost 3 keys already. if i was allowed to be in charge of a key, but that would never happen

    say hi to kristin for me!

    KONA is coming! please blog again soon.

  3. Rachel,

    Two things.
    1. You are a fast blogger. I'm usually a week late with my blog.

    2. You win $20 from me since you are the first person to ever mention the mechanic! Yes!

    One more thing. Thanks for the shorts. It's not the gift but the thought. But I love the the gift!


  4. Ok I WANT YOUR SUNGLASSES! What model are they?

  5. Awesome! Thanks for the blog in the middle of your race prep. I agree John will probably win the swim unless Noa does. I think we've seen this match up for years at Waikiki Roughwater. Love to see the top swimmers trying the Ironman. Good luck in your race.
    P.S. The new kicks are sweet!

  6. Rachel, talking about life of a rockstar...and why aren't you a pro, you sure are moving around like one.

    How's that Obama suit coming along?

  7. haha. We all thought it was nail polish in the bottle. None of us thought to open it and smell it.

  8. Hey Rach, it was great to meet you tonight - brief though it was. Hopefully we'll run into each other later on this week and have more time to chat.

  9. wow, you are a fast blogger! i can barely find internet access and my way around town and you've posted stuff and hit up all of the good stuff.
    hope to see you around tomorrow....

  10. Glad you found the key and yes, your new Zoots are sweet!.
    Great pix and really nice to have an update on whatz goin' on!

    Try to rest up today!!!

  11. Can you hear me screaming????? GO GO GO!

  12. Thanks for the pics..more more please...very cool running shoes and I seriously can't wait to see your bathing suit design. You're my fav gal to win!! Go GO GOOOOO

  13. Good luck this weekend. Go rip it up and rock it out. I'll be cheering for you! ~amy

  14. I am so excited about this weekend...I know you are gonna do awesome...GO RACH!!!

  15. Love the shoes! I would have lost my key too. I get especially spacey before a race so there's no way I would have realized it was in the bottom of the trash! Good luck Saturday!

  16. Ironman Perfume huh? I'm sure it's gonna be huge!!

    I lose stuff all the time. I'm really impressed that you were so persistent in finding that key! And you actually found it! WooHoo!

  17. rr,
    My new bike is here (not put together)!! That's the extent of my exciting news.
    Your news is much more interesting--glad you're not spouting blood out of the top of your neck like that proverbial chicken. Enjoy the prerace rigamaroll--I can feel the energy all the way over here in VA Beach!
    PS-So glad you found the key. I've done that before too!

  18. You sound ready! :) I have to lose at least 2 things to be ready. Sending waves of good vibes and can't wait to watch.
    Erin - fellow tech writer

  19. I loose my keys all the time. Glad that you found yours, even if it was at the bottom of a trash can. :) You are SO ready! Sounds like things are just plugging along - and SOON you can have chocolate! Hooray! Love the zoot shoes - they are awesome!

  20. How was your run... and tunes? ;)

    Thinking of your bad ass self and sending you all my good juju.

    Thanks for the update!!!

  21. ironman perfume? *shake head* what a racket.

    sigh, i want to be part of the IM kona club thingie and have fabulous friends, etc.

  22. So much fun to read this Rach! It had it all, humor - BO perfume :-), suspense - will our heroine find her key?. And I loved seeing all the pics, feel like I'm there. Gooooo Rachel!

  23. Great update, Coach. LOOOVE how you're rockin the new b-day skirt. we'll consider it a shout-out to your 3 Team-Ross athletes. Love the new zoot's, too. tres cute. GL rach! have a blast!

  24. You are my favorite racer too, actually you tie with Katya... can you guys win first American for me, I have my $$$$$$$ on you girls!

    Glad you made it safely to Kona and ENJOY it, last race as an age grouper :)

  25. HA! I love the updates! Keep em coming! Got the M&M suit today - THANK YOU! that was soo nice of, I have to swim...and that I can finally do this weekend.
    GOOD LUCK - the new Zoot shoes are cute...I better put my request in fast to Ben before they are all gone! RACE fast!!!!! & have fun! WOO! Jen H.

  26. I love the shoes! Have fun. Can't wait to read the race report.

  27. AAGH! I wish that I was there to yell at you on the course. I will be screaming at my computer screen all day for you! Thanks for the blog updates.

  28. Looks like you are all set for a great race. I will certainly be interested to see John's and Noa's swim times even though they will probably be just cruising to save energy for the bike and run. All the best.

  29. Glad you are having fun! Have a great race and we will be cheering for you all the way! Represent the MOMS!! Courtney and Aaron

  30. You are soooooooo cute.

    Agree with Court, one of the best pre-race blogs ever. You have so much good energy, you are going to be awesome!!

    I've looked through garbages for keys before. It sucks. But I'm glad you found it.

    Oh and I saw Courtenay's purse, it is def HUGE and CUTE and it fit my baseball scorebook in it along with a gazillion other things, so it is pretty huge.

    GO RACHEL!!!

  31. the new shoes are great but please don't try to race or pee in them tomorrow. you don't have many good toe nails to spare.


    kick arse tomorrow would ya. and watch for the chalk love i have being written to you from abroad. i couldn't be ther but my memo could.

  32. Rachel, Mahalo nui loa for including me on your blog. Tis an honour. And you have the perfect bloggette voice!
