Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Village People

I can't help but notice lately that it really does take a village. Not to raise my kids (though a small team might help) as that woman meant when she said that, but as my injury has threatened to ruin the season, I realize that I do have a little village. The support has come up out of the woodwork.

When I run out of physical therapy prescription, Dr. V, aka Jaco Van Delden, has been known to call my ortho for me so that I can keep coming in. He calls me when he has a cancellation, finds new ways to treat the source of the problem, and makes fun of me when I can't hold the lunge for three minutes and fall over. And then laughs with me as we play leap frog on the Honu course and doesn't even yell at me for flying by in the no pass zone because I just had to beat him in...

Tanya Castro has been in the Boca family for longer than I have, and for most of that time I had no idea what she did for a living - until I needed to try ART. And now I have a chiropractor, too. I am in once or twice a week for ART, and then she adjusts everything I wreck on the bike back to where it should be, and adds some exercises to compliment Jaco's. Sometimes she uses metal knives on the band, but she's nice enough to get away with it.

Poor Coach Paul's job lately is saving me from my impatient self. He says no a lot, to races mostly, and adjusts the weekly sched every time something hurts. When I do a run he doesn't approve of, he goes back and deletes it from my week, just to remind me that it was not OK. And just recently he called me a crack-addict after receiving my list of reasons why I should do the local sprint tri. Raul, my local Boca coach, has to listen to me mope. The couch under the Zoot shoes in his shop is my therapist's office, where I cry and he tells me funny stories and cheers me up. If I keep it up I'm going to have to start donating Kleenex boxes for the end table.

Dawn makes me suits. When Bree first said her cute Splish suits motivate her to swim more, I thought she was a nutcase.. and then my suits starting coming. When the M&M suit arrived on my doorstep at 4pm, I swam my first double day just to go try it out. I wear wonder woman just to make people laugh at the hard evening masters workouts, and the white flames on days when Katherine and I are swimming together just to be dorky twins. Splish makes the swimming more fun.

Stefan's Tuesday morning ocean swim group breaks up the monotony of 5-6 swims/week. He runs a workout at 6:45 am at Kaimana beach that is open to all, just because. No one's paying him to train us, but we go and learn a lot and get fitter anyway. It's a great mix of technique and sprints and open water practice, and the hour plus workout flies by so much faster than a pool day. This is one of my favorite photos from Kona last year, coming down Palani and starting to believe sub-10 is truly in the bag, while Stefan hollers support:

And then there's my friends. I love the tri community, for the constant checking in and offering up of solutions that have worked for them, and to just say hi when I haven't been at the group ride in a while. I love my training friends, Katherine, Ingrid, Maggs.. for wanting me to be back and healthy just as much as I want to be. I love my mom-girlfriends, who don't know what an IT band is but forgive me for playing bitchy fashion-police at Starbucks because they realize that I'm about as sane as I was at 42 weeks pregnant when I can't run. I love the blog friends, because I feel like there is a group of women who could otherwise be very competitive with one another but through the web we've all become friends & support instead. And they tell me to shut the hell up when I whine. And point out that I was DFL at Worlds - oops. I guess you're supposed to tell them you're not coming?

So to the Village People - THANK YOU! I am so lucky to have such good friends. Also, I'm glad you don't dress up in chaps and sexy police officer outfits.

If you've gotten this far you deserve a treat. I have finally worked my way through the piles of school work that come home on the last day. I ran across this in Wyatt's spelling workbook. Please note that this is not the same child who spelled his last name wrong on his spelling test that I posted a while back.. apparently I'm raising a herd of shitty spellers. I asked him to read number 5 aloud - 

and he said "Can I have a large drink?" in that special DUH tone he reserves for when I'm being really freaking dumb. I kind of like the way it goes with number backwards-seven. The note from his teacher at the top said "Great job Wyatt, let's start adding more details!" Yikes. I don't think I want any more details.


  1. Hi Rachel,

    ART is amazing and seems to work for me when things are out of line. As for the blog family comment, I totally agree. Most of the peoples blogs I read I have never actually spoken to face to face. Yet I feel so connected and think of many of you as friends.

  2. P.S. Your son spells like me ;-)

  3. RACH!

    You are so so awesome, you have supported so so many people it is YOUR turn to have a bunch of people to love and support you! Seriously, I would still be trying to finish IM Kona this minute if you never helped me get started with a nutrition plan and getting me hooked on shot blocks!

    I hope every night your hubby & kids love on you because you deserve it!

    Cheers to getting better and better! Glad you got a GREAT village and just for you I would wear a dorky police officer outfit...

    Oh, and your children's Spelling only makes life more fun! More details please...

  4. hilarious....
    here's to our online village and quick recoveries...
    can't wait to see you guys in kona.

  5. Absolutely! Here is to the does take a village and we are all so lucky! We should all move to the same little village, train/race together and drink red wine and eat M&Ms every day! :) Hee Jen H.

  6. So much to say...

    Every time I read your blog I think about sitting down with you for a Starbucks because you can make me laugh and cry. I'm inspired and motivated by what you do and how you handle the tough situation that you're in. The coolest part about the village for me (especially the blogland village) is that it provides a back of the pack beginner an opportunity to connect with the best of the best and feel like maybe, just maybe I belong in this amazing sport.

    So, thanks for putting yourself out there and helping all of us improve our game, regardless of our level.

    Now, go work on that kid's spelling:)

  7. it...yes PLEASE more details on that sentence:) Ha! Rach, you are amazing and so sweet with humor (hard to find with both traits) I just started blogging with you and I have learned about second skin and different shoes :) It is great for us BEGINNER tri chicks to learn from the greatest tri chicks and you treat us like we are all on the same level...I love the village as there aren't the bitchy cat fights as you see in the "real world" We can be OURSELVES, nutty and crazy :) NOW get the leg better so you can go out and kick some butt!!!!

  8. The spelling test was really funny especially if you grow up in the UK. I don't know if words mean the same on both sides of the Atlantic.

  9. Rach, you are awesome!! You deserve the best. It is so great to see that so many people support you in so many different ways! You have been so sweet and amazing to me when I have had my downer moments. I know with all this support and your motivation and determination, you will be back to your normal, super perky, super fast self really soon.....


  10. Ooooh, if Bree can dress as the police officer can I wear the chaps? Who's gonna be the the construction worker? Like Mel and Alili, I feel I am very lucky to be a small part of this community of trichicks. Thank YOU rock stars: Rachel, Bree, Jen, ELF, Marit...the list goes on and on!

  11. I agree - it's so cool to have this community of women cheering each other on! I love it!!

    Thanks for posting such humorous, honest blog entries - very inspiring!! :)

    And that spelling mistake - HAHAHAHA tooooo funny!!

  12. It definitely takes a village to do what we do, especially as mom's. We call mine "Team Kellye"! Between the physical support, emotional support, babysitter support, and lord knows my husbands financial support :), none of us could do it without our teams! So I'm really glad it sounds like you have a great one!

    And as an ex-elementary school teacher... I always supported "Creative Spelling!" It makes for the best projects! :)

  13. OK I re-read that sentence...was it Prick or D--k that we are laughing at (having a blonde moment Rach)..either way BOTH are too are the best smile makers EVER :)

  14. How could you possibly be in a bad mood after reading over that spelling test :)

  15. Can I have a large prick? No, seriously. ROTFLMAO!!

    Rach, I have to echo the people... you deserve all the lovin'. I couldn't agree with you more about the village of triathlon family and friends. This is a big undertaking and so lonely to take on solo.

    Thanks for being in my village.

  16. Well guess it's a good thing I gave away my chaps last Thanksgiving!

  17. I don't know you (with the exception of a brief and intoxicated introduction at the Timex/Zoot party post Cali 70.3), but Phaedra turned me on to your blog. I wanted to offer my condolences as you recover from your injury. I tore some cartilidge in my knee 2 weeks before IM Coeur d'Alene last year, stupidly finished the race despite planning to only do the swim, and after surgery and rehab was only able to begin training again 5 weeks before Kona. I don't know how to make your IT band better, but I do know how miserable it is to not be able to RUN, so I have only empathy to offer. It sounds like you have a good team/village around you, so I'm sure you will be healthy again. I know, it's just the WAITING that stinks. At some point (when you're running again) you might even be pleased that you had the time to focus on swimming. Somehow, I'm still atrocious in the water, despite having an entire summer to work on it exclusively. You at least seem to have improved in that regard!

  18. R- you need to save that test for him so he can see as an adult. Hilarious! Maybe don't tell him you put it on your blog and all your tri friends laughed.

    I haven't been well lately either and it helps put things in perspective. Appreciate the gifts you have, everything in life is temporary so try to enjoy what you've got going now. Cute swimsuits help a lot! Take care and try not to drive yourself crazy.

  19. i just laughed, really loud and almost woke that baby...
    that is classic!

    and yeah, it does take a village, sometimes a really big one...but it sounds like you have a great crew around you.

  20. Being the proud parent of a 7 year old boy who also is spelling-challenged, I had to tell you that I spent at least 5 minutes laughing so hard that tears were running down my face. That #5 sentence is CLASSIC!! Keep that forever!!

    Oh, and I love your big fans of Bree, Eileen, ELF, etc. I have a feeling that if I spent as much time training as I do reading other triathletes blogs (about training) I could possible become a pro! ha!! Take care!! Happy healing!
