From the backseat of the wagon yesterday comes a little voice:
Sky: I am the fastest runner in the whole world.
Ramsey: Really? Do you want to race your mom?
Sky: OK. I will race you........ of course, I know I will win.
Me: You do, do you?
Sky: Yes. Because I am the fastest runner in the whole entire world.
I love the confidence of my four year old. Can you imagine lining up at a race and declaring to the athletes around you "Of course, I know I will win, because I am the fastest in the whole entire world?" There are some men I know that might say it, but not many women would talk that big.
In the NBC broadcast of Kona 2007 Leanda Cave said "I will win this race someday." I believe her, and I also admire that she said it for all the world to hear.
I read somewhere that women are likely to downplay their abilities and men likely to downplay doubt. Other female athletes have talked about the fear that many of us have of sounding cocky and how it keeps us from stating our goals. Coach Paul has told me many times take credit for an achievement, to own it. When I make excuses in response to a compliment he says, "Rachel, say thank you." After Katherine dominated the amateur race at Hawaii 70.3 a few weeks ago, I heard him stop her as she responded to a congratulations with a list of things downplaying her performance: "Katherine, say thank you."
Lately my confidence has wavered. The first time I did Ironman, Kona 2006, I wasn't confident that I could finish. I had done my first half just four months prior and found it incredibly difficult. The second one, Kona 2007, I lined up confident that I would finish, but unsure that I could do as well as or better than the first one. While I don't always have confidence that I will perform (I truly believe there is a little luck involved in racing well) I always believed in my health and my body's abilities. This year has tested my faith in my body. I haven't missed races for an injury before, but this season I have missed every single local race. It has been six months of intermittent injury, with more time hurt than not. I raced another Ironman, and went slower than before. I didn't book a room at Kona, or a car, and I began to wonder if I would even make it to the starting line this October.
Sky's statement was the kick in the pants I needed to change my outlook. I have four months. I will continue to search for the cause of my injury so that I can fix it permanently. I will listen to my gut instead of my Coach or Therapist when I know my body is not yet ready. I will be healthy in time to train for Kona. I will race healthy. And I will do it faster than last year.
This is all very true... Great post!
ReplyDeleteAtta girl! Hope you'll be able to hear my pink cowbell all the way over there as I follow along online.
ReplyDeleteYou so will sister!!!! YOU SOOOOOO WILL!
ReplyDelete:-) mary!
I LOVE it! And I believe it too. Your daughter sounds awesome... a chip off the old block, I think?
"I am the fastest runner in the world!" Wait...no i'm not...but just saying it makes me feel a tiny bit faster :)
ReplyDeleteI love this post, Rach. Own all of it, girl, and make it your reality!
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate this entry Rachel. Guilty as charged. We all dream it and so many of us work our butts off to achieve it but then when it happens we are embarrassed. Doesn't make sense. Meanwhile, I truly believe you will do all you declared and much more than that. YOU WILL!!
ReplyDeleteI think that's great! Sky is a true inspiration for us all! My favorite new line is one I stole from Bree... "The body achieves what the mind believes!" And I believe that's true so Believe!! :)
ReplyDeleteAnother beauty post Rachel. This is possibly the one and only reason I'm glad I'm not racing in Kona this year...from your finishing photo it looks as though I crossed the line 25secs ahead of you in '07. If I were racing in '08 I'd be afraid of RR!!
ReplyDeleteCheers and good luck with the injury.
You will kick ass at kona...but I will win the beer mile!
ReplyDeleteKids are so honest and fearless..they set their minds on something and GO FOR IT...we adults could learn so much from the little ones....!!! Rach you WILL be there...continue on getting healthy and YOU will know when it is time to push it to the max!!!!
ReplyDeleteBTW: Is your daughter named Skylar too...if so please tell me that your husband is not a Motley Crue freak too...as mine is and that was Vince Neils daughters name (she died at the age 3 tho:(
Great post. Sounds like you are ready to rock in October (and like Skylar is ready to kick some serious ass in some playground races).
ReplyDeleteLove the attitude-That's what it takes to get you where you want to be come October! Book your room girl-BELIEVE!!
ReplyDeleteRach, sometimes this is what we need, a kick in the pants AND I am so happy that it was your daughter who gave you this kickin' ;-) You are going to get healthy and you will get to the start line super fired up and knowing you will ROCK! I can't wait to be there with ya!
Where there's a will there's a way. You'll get this figured out and be ready to roll by October, no doubt. Anyone up for a wager on this?
ReplyDeleteI say that all the time-just to sike people out. It's amazing what people will believe (or at least contemplate for a brief moment!) when they're really nervous :)
LOVE IT. I believe as women (even more-so as mothers), we are given the gift of intuition. Sometimes, I forget I've got it....and I let all the noise around me distract me from what I know......I am guilty of that lately myself.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear you are taking the time to listen to what YOU think about your bod....because-who knows it better than you?
Can't wait to see what you bring to Kona....and there's no doubt in my mind, it WILL be faster than last year. But seriously, look at that time! HOLY $#%@^!!
Over & out-
Dude.....I will be around with Bells and Whistles on cheering and screeming for you!! You can't miss me...I will be wearing old Splish Suit with LifeSupport visor!! haha. Get to Kona and book it now!
ReplyDeleteI'm giving free bike "tune-ups" week of Hawaii Ironman, just ask Bree, she just got hers for Japan!!
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt at all that you will!
Go after it Rachel!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to sit in the back seat of my car today saying "I'm the fastest swimmer in the world."
ReplyDeleteSomething's got to help....
Great post RR!! Believe in yourself! You will be ready to rock in October. Everything happens for a reason...you'll see it at the finish line!!!
ReplyDeleteI can just hear that little voice from the back seat. I swear that 4-year olds are their absolute wisest when placed in a car seat!!! Intuition is key--sorry, guys, but I think Mother Nature gave the fairer sex more than our fair share.
Me Lonely this week? RIGHT!
ReplyDeleteIt's just quieter around here! No Drama Queen bothering me....LOL!!
Cool post! Thanks for sharing. I'm sure you're going to beat your time this year! I just hope to be some where near you.
Four year olds have a lot of wisdom and you have a lot of strength, Rachel. Keep plugging away. -colorado is behind you...
Sometimes kids can say the littlest things and make the whole world seem different. Loved this...and thanks for the reminder. Betcha in no time you will feel better.
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool. I was not planning to blog in Japan BUT I had to check on you and I am glad I did! WAY to be confident Rach... fricken' scary thought of you believing in you and confessing you will beat last years time!
ReplyDeleteNOW write that on your fridge and mirror and own it!
Miss ya, wish you were here, glad I am not 30-35 women... I would run the other direction from a fearless you! I just don't thing there are many women in the world who can beat you, and with confidence, it narrows the few that I think might have a shot...
How can someone who can finish the HI Ironman in 9:56.20 not think they are darn good? The proof of the pudding is in the eating. You may not be the fastest in the world, and anyone who is is usually only that for a short time, but so what. Your value is in who you are rather than what you think you can be.
ReplyDeleteI was sent over by a friend and I have to say, this post couldn't have come at a better time for me. I'm definitely a fan! What a true observation. So many times it's the mental game and not the physical that gets us down OR up.
ReplyDeleterock on!