Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Like I even have to tell you what I'm going to blather on about today.

This is the speech that catapulted Barryo from State Senator to National Superstah at the 2004 DNC. In case you haven't seen enough of him today. I am sitting here in stretchy clothes, calling in late to work in honor of the inauguration, in the American spirit of hard work. Or like my cousin in law Juan would say, in the lazy ass spirit of a true liberal. I skipped my bike commute to watch the swearing in and other related festivities. I wish I was there, but like my tone-deaf mother used to sing to me when I was a kid, you-uuu can't always ge-eht what you wa-aannt. And I certainly have all I need.

Since today we're bound to hear the word change six hundred billion times, I thought I would share some changes.

First off, the pool messed up. Four months after quitting the pool, I noticed the autodebit on my statement yesterday. I quit to save money, so it kind of sucks they charged me an extra $400+ (It's a pricey place to swim). And yes, I probably should have checked back in October, so I messed up too. I was so upset & stressed about our finances that I tossed and turned all night, then gave up and rode my bike to work at 4:15 am only to find that the YWCA was closed for the holiday that my racist company doesn't recognize and that I had to shower at my bathroom sink and had no wrinkle-glue (Lancome colleraser, ladies, it's worth every cent) or deoderant. I tried to keep the fact that the Oahu Club owners are very nice in mind when calling the office, as I knew it was just an expensive oversight.. I just hoped there was paperwork to back me up. There was. In addition to a big fat refund, she gave me a month free to use the pool as I pleased. Which, as we all know by now, would pretty much be never, if I took her literally. Seriously, does a 50 meter pool actually please anyone? I can almost see Jen Harrison jumping up and down waving her arms and saying me me, pick me! Instead of using it as I please, I'm going to use the pool as I should. Welcome to swim slacker rehab. Prepare yourselves for the bitching.

Another change for 2009: the Saucony. I love all things Saucony. Saucony was my first sponsor back in 2006. They put me on their tri team with only one international distance race to my name, as I prepped for my first Boston, my first half, and my first Kona. We drifted apart in 07 & 08 (translation: I ran in really, really old shoes because I'm poor) but now we have reunited. I get to wear they're stuff again, and won't break the bank or my IT bands by wearing old shoes! I swear I'm going to toss the silver fastwitches from 06 with 1500 miles on them.. after tomorrow's run.. maybe.

Also, I need this thing:

How cool is that? I always worry on my dark ride in - there are fewer cars at 5 am, which is why I ride when I do, but I wonder if half of the people that fly by on Kal Hwy. are commuters and the other half are still loaded from the night before and pretending they're at Chuck E. Cheese driving a video game. In which case, maybe I don't want this, as they might aim for it. Either way, awesome idea.


  1. Ok, I have to get those lights!!!!

    What a fantastic idea. Especially now with winter approaching and all my training rides are going to be done in the dark. Might look a bit odd though, a bike lane out in the middle of nowhere!

  2. Wow, I love that. I could get rid of all my lights. Hope you are having a great, lazy day. For a CHANGE.

  3. I was definitely thinking of you this morning as I watched the THOUSANDS of people line up near the Capital!!

    And I saw that light thing too this morning and thought it was awesome! A permanant bike lane!!

  4. Is that light thing for real? Enjoy your inaugaration watching. I'm still trying to explain to Lelia why 4 Irishmen (U2) played at a concert for Barack Obama that was really about Martin Luther King Jr and who that giant Abe Lincoln guy was in the background. I bet Sky would know the answer. Enjoy your new shoes!

  5. Too bad you don't live on the Windward side. 50 M pools are free around these parts. ;)

  6. I too have foregone the usual morning routine, and am watching Itzhak Perlman, Yo you Ma, and a few other Chamber Musicians perform - brilliant! Yea for the shoes - I've heard great things! And the light is awesome! Only a few more seconds and we've got a new President! Yea!

  7. Seriously, is the light for real or what? Because I HAVE to get that for my husband who does weekly urban rides at night.

    Let us know, please. :)

  8. I'm In! I want to be the first to start the "Rachel Needs This" fund...

    By the end of the week you can be the proud owner of that thing Rach! I am sure all your buds will chip in and you too can look that cool riding to work!

    Let me know where to send the donation... you have to have it!

  9. Man, I was shocked when I realized how much it is to swim masters when you aren't a grad student anymore. At Cal it's like $700 per year - WTF?! Ah well...glad you got your money back and a free month of swimming!

    I've been obamanos all morning long yippeeeeee!

    That bike light is truly epic - I need one too!

  10. I am waving my hand at you, too. There is exactly one long-course pool in Wichita, KS. The pool at my gym isn't even a full 25 yards. It is 23.5 yards.

    And there was absolutely NOTHING more important today than watching/listening to Obama. Nothing.

  11. Glad to hear an org did the right thing by a customer...for once. Happens less and less. Sorry for the self-imposed swimming torture in your future...

  12. Dude that light thing is SUHHH--WEEEEET!

    And you CRACKED ME UP when you wrote about the "who would want to swim in a 50m pool, oh yeah, Jen would". :D

    I'm behind on blogs...:)
