Sunday, January 25, 2009

The dolphin is sitting down.

This was the first thing out of Sky's mouth this morning: The dolphin is sitting down. It sounded like code. Perhaps it was code for Look out, mom, you're totally screwed. Because not an hour later, about 500 m offshore in my first swim in 3 months, I lost my vision. Just like I did November 1st. The last time I had this big moving blob in my sight, I didn't see right for 30 days. Welcome back, status migrainosus, I didn't miss you.

I did it to myself, I suppose. I have a Monday morning work deadline for the EIS water and geology sections. One of the people I work for was stressing me out by acting like an asshole. On Saturday I worked all day and well past midnight. I rode hard and forgot to re-hydrate well. I snacked all day, had an unhealthy dinner, and then got 4.5 hours of sleep before sneaking out for a swim before what was to be another 10+ hour work day today, on Sunday. I broke the healthy eating rule, the sleep rule, and the stress rule.. and now I have to pay. I slept all day, but the blob remains. There's no way of knowing when I will see again. There is still no paid time off, so I have no choice but to go to work.. but I don't think I can see well enough to ride my bike in, which sucks.

I thought I was getting things under control, but I guess I was wrong. The thing is, I wasn't worried. I knew I would make the deadline, and the extra work means a holiday or two later in the month, which I consider a good trade off. I was happy to be back in the water. I thought I was fine. On the plus side, I had a dark chocolate dove bar after it came on, because while a trigger for most, it's a remedy for some. It didn't work, but my first chocolate in three months was awesome. Not worth it, but awesome none the less.

In lighter news, here is something that made me laugh today: It seems Prince Harry found out he was dumped when his gf changed her facebook relationship status


  1. You sounded like you were miserable this morning. I don't know if it will help with migraines, but I got a new supply of vicodin and some other pain meds this AM if you want some strong stuff. Try carrot cake. It didn't work for me, but it might work for you.

  2. I feel like cussing... oh $h!t... Rach, so sorry. Totally sucks.

    Rode bike yesterday JUST for you... if it makes you feel any better Harry The Hammer (the 60 year old cyclist from Kona) dropped me BAD! Probably does not help... but maybe it will make you laugh to imagine an older man killing a younger girl!

    Let's just stick to the relays this year...

    Hope the eye and migraines and everything else gets better soon!

  3. ugh - so sorry this keeps happening!
    i think it must be swimming - doesn't this always happen anytime you go near water? forget the whole stress/sleep thing, avoid the water.
    hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. No no no no no! I don't want this to happen - booooo!!!! I'm really sorry - this makes me sad. :( Hang in there RR - perhaps it IS the water that's evil. Don't tell Jen H, she would flip. I'm thinking of you, sending lots of good vibes your way. You are one tough cookie - this WILL work out in the end!

  5. Rachel, Tell Sky that she needs to make that dolphin swim again. I HOPE that this one goes away quickly, but as always, I'm glad that you have found something to humor us all in this (the prince thing).

  6. Oh, CRAP! I am so sorry Rachel. Hopefully now that you have a good grip on the triggers you can make this bastard go away quicker.

  7. Hope the blob goes away soon. I am glad you find our royal family entertaining :-)

  8. Dolphins are supposed to be signs of good things, not bad!! Maybe it was the sitting part? Which ever I hope it goes away soon.

  9. Oh no! So sorry to hear! I sure wish the doc could figure this problem out...going through life not knowing when this is going to take you down isn't a way to live. Take care of yourself! Hope you get better soon.

  10. Bummer. I hope your eyes work again soon!!!! Sending you good health!

  11. Status: suckus majorus

    Thinking of you...

  12. I am sorry this keeps happening to you... I think you are even stressing out all of us reading your blog who care about you and are mortified by the constant ups and downs of this. No doctor, but have you ever been to an opthamologist? My dad had "floaters" and loss of vision in his eyes (almost lost it) with blazing headaches and it turns out his retinas were becoming detached.. Everyone in our family is REQUIRED to visit the eye doctor 2 x a year since we are all at high risk. Sounds similar to your situation??? ..Okay, enough medical stuff... get better!

  13. oh dear, I'm sorry to hear the migraine came back. I hope it goes away sooner than the last time. At least you know your triggers, so that's good! I got a visual aura migraine yesterday five minutes into my run (which is pretty slow). I'm just starting back from having a mild knee pain/injury, and the flu for almost 3 weeks!

    I haven't had a Visual aura (flashing triangles) migraine in months. And I thought of you. :-) I'm thinking it was a combo of 1.) strenuous exercise, 2.) my experimenting with taking up the coffee habit again -- FAIL! 3.) just drank a soymilk hot chocolate 4.) stress, I've been getting anxiety symptoms back thanks to the coffee experiment. 5.) my period. 6.) Too much time on the computer, about 7 hours. So my body said "nope! it's off to bed in a dark room with you, and an Axert please". Thankfully it didn't turn into the painful part of the migraine. So, technically it's call a "migraine of the optic nerve".

    I bet that asshole at work has a lot to do with it. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but the pill gave me daily visual aura with throbbing pain migraines every day I was on them. That totally sucked. Hope this one goes away for you soon! Take care.

  14. Mother of pearl this is bad news. I am really sorry to hear that. The rest of us just get wicked sick when we start doing that stuff..what you're describing, I can't imagaine and can only say this too shall pass my friend. Take care of yourself, do the things that seem to help and definitely don't be too hard on yourself.. you look like superwomen, and sometimes try to be her, but are not none the less so rest, rest & rest!!

  15. Oh crap!! BLOB go away already!!! I hope that your migraine subsides very quickly - sending hugs and clear vision your way :)

  16. RR, so sorry you are back battling the eye blob again. I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself that my arm is in a cast for the next 6 weeks and I can't swim. At least I know this is a one time thing. Hopefully, your episode will not last as long as your last one! Get well soon! I don't think it's the water! Have a swim for me!

  17. That completely sucks. No other words for it. Just hoping it's a short spurt this time for you and you bounce back quickly.

    Thanks again for my Luckys. Tucked them away for a tanned torso.

  18. Seriously - that sucks!!! I sure hope it doesn't last as long as the last time.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  19. Hope you get better soon Rachel!

    Love the note about Prince Harry getting dumped. Sounds like he lost a smart woman. Good for her.

  20. I'd like to bitch slap this bastardosus migrainosus for you, Rachel.

    Maybe a day of staying under the covers with a bottle of bubbly and repeat episodes of "The Daily Show" could kick its ass?

    Take it easy. We enjoy your spunk and spirit in Colorado.

    Taryn Murtagh

  21. Sorry Rach! Ugh!! I really, really hope you can figure out how to get rid of this darn thing. So sorry!!

  22. Aww, that totally sucks. Hopefully your work project gets wrapped up soon and you start feeling better full time.

  23. More chocolate. Less swimming. That will solve most problems in life. Feel better soon :)
