Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rolling through it.

Dread is the only thing I've got when a 5.5 hour ride looms the next day and I know I have to do it alone. I know me, and boredom ruins me some days. Boredom and Krispy Kremes. But then I got an email from Maggs - she is in for tomorrow. Thank god for company. When I'm alone I find myself counting minutes. Or wondering what would happen if I threw my bike under The Bus.

The big week rolls on.. it's going well. Better than I could have imagined. I learned a lot at the 4k hard ocean swim on Tuesday, during which I fought to hold on to Wil while he cruised along swimming fists. Mostly I learned that I can't even keep up with Wil when he swims fists. And to never, ever follow that fast zigzagging bastard in a race. He leaves the wake of an eel.

Off the swim I was onto the bike for hill repeats up Sierra. I had six intervals to do, all at low cadence and Z3 heart rate. I saw watts I haven't seen in six months, and spent the whole workout sitting at 160, right smack in the middle of Z3. I can't remember the last time I didn't feel like the workout was too hard for me. Finally, a glimpse of light..

It's Wednesday and the week is half way gone already. I ran my mile repeats at the track under the stars at 4:30 am in order to hop on the puddlejumper over to Maui at 8 this morning. I didn't go to Maui for the Krispy Kremes. They were a small accident at the end of the day. I had to go meet the new baby! Tess was my college roommate and one of the first to arrive when my first, Henry, was born in San Francisco 8+ years ago. I love Tess and Ben. New baby Jonah is so beautiful.. he makes me want ten more. I'm not sure where all that blonde hair came from, although the most famous blonde Jaws tow-in surferman is a Paia neighbor.. 


  1. Holy COW what a gorgeous little pumpkin!!!!

    Remember all those days where you wondered if you'd ever run again?????

    Look at you now sister!

  2. what a cutie!!! SO glad the running is going well. 4K swim in the ocean on a tuesday??? WOW!!!

  3. Great to hear the training is going so well. Keep up the great work!! Before you know it, all the workouts will seem and feel awesome...and in just the right time - somewhere in early Oct... :)

  4. oh he is adorable... TOO cute, BUT it definitely doesn't make me want more... no way Jose...

  5. Wow, I hope you got back to your car before the 10:15 downpour. I'm so glad I bailed early. The drizzle was tolerable, but I don't do downpours!m Thanks for the ride anyway. See ya tomorrow AM.

  6. HA! I did the 10:15 and another at 11:30 - made it 100 miles in just under 5:30. Thanks for the two hours of company!

  7. OH adorable makes me want another..WHAT??? smack me now:)

  8. I think the Krispy Kremes are a great way to fight boredom, especially if sprinkles are available! Great job training this week.

  9. Yeah mel..... you might need another, I don't think you have a baseball team just yet!


  10. Hey Rach...My little Madison the blondy saw the photo of Sky on your blog and said hey she looks like me :) to cute!!!
