Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Home sweet.. something something.

The 9 hour flight from Chicago and the huge time difference make for a long day. I am about 3 bpm shy of a coma, and kids passed out at 6 pm.

The last days in Chicago were excellent. I swam in the dark in Lake Michigan with the Waterstraats until lightning chased us out. Then we tried to outrun a tornado in Aunt Rebecca's Suburban, which made me feel like Helen Hunt in Twister, except I wasn't bitching at Bill Paxton, I was badgering Liz & Chris about whether we really had to stop and hide under furniture as instructed by the radio. Lightning is rare in Hawaii. Driving back into the city I couldn't count to three without seeing this.. it was better than fireworks.

We saw Ken Griffey Jr.'s White Sox debut from the bleachers, but didn't last the entire 14 innings of the game. I did, however, drink beer from a plastic cup and eat peanuts for dinner. We ate at the Original Pancake House, made one more pass of Barack's place (no Barack), bartered our way past a two-hour line at the Shedd and reintroduced the kids to their Great Grandpa Bob. And then we said our good-byes. We miss the grandparents already.. the kids were inquiring about a Chicago move for most of the flight. They've only seen it in the summer.

And something else happened in Chicago. In four days of training I ran 26 miles, swam 7.5k and rode my first long ride of 70+ miles. Kona is less than ten weeks away, and I am actually training for it. Finally. It took me too long and in the end the recovery from ITBS required some expert-overruling, many skipped or wimpy workouts, and a whole lot of patience and trust that I know my body best. I know the formula now. I spent some time with a Chicagoland sports med guru whom people travel from continents away to see. He showed me the weaknesses that got me into such an ugly place and how to keep it from ever happening again. He also told me I must give up the 24/7 slipper-wearing.. what?!? I can't handle cold turkey, so it will be a slow wean.

This weekend I'll race 2.4 miles from Pipeline to Waimea, ride up and back to/from the race for 100+ miles, and run 2+ hours. Let's go, Kona.


  1. Let's go, Kona... I love it. Thought about you today. We had a pool party/bbq at the new digs and I almost send you an evite just for kicks. What's another flight back to the mainland, eh?

  2. You are back sister! BACK! Kona or BUST!

    :-) mary

  3. Looks like your mind and body are ready to get back into the long training! Sounds like a great weekend. Keep up the hard work! oh...make sure you get some sleep so you don't fall asleep during that long weekend workout!

  4. Congratulations on being BACK--home and training! I don't understand the slipper-itbs connection.

  5. Perfect timing! It's go time RR! Have a great training weekend and remember to ENJOY!

  6. Enjoy all the training getting ready for Kona! Glad you are back it.

    I understand where your kids are coming from - I only visited Chicago in the summer before I moved here. There is A LOT of complaining from me October through April of every year.

  7. rachel! i have been meaning to write you for, oh, 2 months. pathetic. and in the meantime my crackberry cracked it and there went your email address . . .so i have spent the better part of my day google-stalking you. and while i failed to come up with an email address, i did find this blog and become totally hooked. yours is one of the most entertaining blogs i've read in a long time! it has now been added to my "favorites" list. looking forward to seeing you in oct! xox hillary

  8. Awesome-You're back Girl!!

    Congrats on your recent training accomplishments, and have a super weekend. It sure sounds like a great Kona prep race.

    "3bpm from a coma" LOL

  9. Awesome! Wish I was there to cheer you on.

  10. Did this Chicago Dr. give you any super secret tricks???

    My IT band is bugging me.. this is my "good leg" ie. the leg I did NOT have surgery on. ITB started bugging me after a marathon last year.... Off and on ok... The last 5 weeks before IMCDA it was GREAT! No pain during Ironman, but now.. it seems to be bugging me again?

    I'm foam rolling, icing, stretching and only running when it does not hurt...

    Just wondering if you got any new advice!?

  11. Rach! So good to hear you are doing so well in training.....I am bummed I'm going to miss your Kona performance. I am VERY confident it's going to go really well for you.

    I loved the Chicago weather story too....We used to live in Michigan and the most exciting time of the year was when we had tornado warnings. I'm a junkie for any type of severe weather warnings.....I get some kind of crazy rush off of it. Sick, I know.

    I love reading your blog, I've just been a little behind lately. Keep up the good work lady. And props to you for really listening to your body and trusting that you know it best.

    Hope to see you in Canada?


  12. Great job on the solid IL workouts (hello corn). Glad the kids had fun... but, the Chicago Winter is why I now live in South Carolina. Good luck in the rest of your Kona Training.

  13. Hurray for the medical guru! Glad things are looking up on the training front.

  14. Sweet Rach!! Great work while in the windy city. So glad things are looking way better. Nice! Will chat with you later...


  15. good luck on saturday. i think we should design some cute slippas that have some arch support and market them to anyone who cares about being injury free! i know my ankle would finally heel if i stopped wearing slippers all the time, but i'm too stubborn!

  16. Rachel.....are slippers code for flip flops...??? Is that what you call 'em on the island? I am convinced that since living in the warm desert and wearing my "flip flops" 24/7, I, too, have developed some weakness in my legs/ hips/ buttocks areas, which could possibly contributed to injuries as well...Interesting.....Just curious!! keep up the momentum...

  17. hold on, girl ... this time he's coming to YOU!!!

  18. hooray, training ! I'm happy to hear you're back.
    As the marathoner Tom Derderian says, "the world is a conspiracy to keep you from training."

    I've been in Greece with kids and grandparents. As we left at 4am, (3 hours of mountain road between us and the airport and 26 hours on planes, yippee) the youngest asked, "why can't Yia-yia and Papou just move to Colorado ?"
    Heartbreak all around. It's hard to have family so far away.

  19. And to think you've never mentioned the metal death box to or from Chicago.

    Sounds like a fun training weekend.

  20. Congrats on the hard week of training! And bring the kids back to Chicago in January to see what they think :)

  21. one word.... birks. still feel like you're wearing 'slippers' but give you the support you need to stay injury free....
    glad to hear you're back at it!!

  22. the last paragraph made me choke on my americano.
