Friday, August 29, 2008

No more green hair.

So I figure with all the good things I've given up, I had better give up something I don't love to keep the balance. I am a libra, after all. And I think that has something to do with scales and balance, though I'm too weak from lack of sugar to google it.

I canceled the pool membership tonight. We have officially broken up. My list of excuses: I don't think flip-turns and pushing off a wall agree with me, I can no longer take the kids to swim team because because I'm at work and hub is at school (probably busy being that annoying old guy in the front row - remember how the old people always sat up front and asked tons of questions in college?) and mostly because it really doesn't fit in the new and unimproved budget. The ocean is free.

There was a notice requirement I missed.. so my official last day of pool membership? October 11th. Kona Day, for the portion of you readers that aren't triathletes (and thus are family members. Hi, Mom.) How appropriate. What do I need a pool for after Kona?

So as not to sound like an ungrateful pool-hater, I am going to list ten things I will miss about the pool. I'm pretty sure there aren't that many, but here goes:
  • Joe Likeikis, masters swim coach extraordinaire. His enthusiasm is contagious.
  • Racing Brad. Even though he's about 6'10" & his feet are giant flippers so he's pretty much cheating at all times.
  • Sitting with Paul while watching our kids at swim team. He has more Hollywood gossip than People Magazine, and he is not afraid to dish.
  • The expert advice of the brothers Flanagan.
  • The hot tub.
  • Yeah, that's all I've got. Ten was a lofty goal.
This is Katherine and me at the finish line of the North Shore Challenge - who needs a stinkin' pool?

The Waikiki Roughwater Swim is this weekend, so I will be racing the 2.4 miles that inspired the swim portion of the Ironman back in 1978 with 1800 of my closest friends. They put me in the A wave for the first time ever and I am a wee bit wary that I'll be swimming solo out there until the B wave (my kind of people) catches me. If I get dropped I'm going to float on my back and open clif bars like a harbor seal with abalone until someone rescues me, because hey, I get sugar during the workouts. Four days of healthy eating down and I'm starting to adjust. And actually feel pretty durn good. But if I sink at the Roughwater, embalm me with peanut butter M&Ms, please.


  1. you know Paul Walker?!?!

    Swoon. He is HOT.

    Is he married? Oh wait, I'm getting married. ;-)

    He's still very nice to look at though!

  2. I'm glad the no sugar is working out so well!! Keep at it - once the habit it formed it will be a piece of cake!! plate of vegetables! :)

    Best of luck with the swim this weekend! Sounds tough and in the A wave no less - RIGHT where you belong!! I am so jealous you cancelled your swim membership too!!! Ahh - that's awesome - open water all the time!!

  3. wait, do you REALLY talk to paul walker?? and you're NOT keeping your pool membership when he's there? i don't understand

  4. sister if I lived in Hawaii I'd do my best to NEVER swim in a pool! Good luck!

    :-) mary!

  5. So, I'm lame I had to google Paul Walker...DAMN.

    Okay, moving on. My husband is also the 'old' guy at school-and he's kicking butt. Hope your hubby has a good time showing up the 'kids.'

  6. You are really funny. Keep the entertainment coming...

  7. What the...?? Paul Walker...I don't get I that blonde...? Its the highlights I think.....Seriously, eye candy, perhaps you should reconsider.....

    Your de-sugarized posts get funnier by the minute.....Oh me, oh my, what next will RR post that makes me giggle! Ha! too much girl!

    Don't drown.....

  8. I am so bummed I am missing that swim and the 112 miles around the island... what the $#^& am I thinking... Have fun!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

  9. All the best in the swim....I can picture you floating and having snacks hee, hee, hee.

  10. All you people in Hawaii are hotties! It's ridiculous! :) Please help me kick the sugar habit while you are at it. I need some SERIOUS help! :)

  11. Ok, now I'm trying to figure out how to move to HI and join that pool, just so I can hang out with Paul Walker. Are you NUTS???!!!!!! Although, I must say, your husband is a hottie too, even with the cheesy Turkish mustache. I'm riding 80mi and running 13 this weekend--would much rather swim w/ you!

  12. No more pool? That's just sad. Good Luck in the Rough Water swim, just try to hang on to Flanagan's feet for the first minute, then pray for a good current.

  13. I LUV the pic of you guys underwater! We were screwing around with an underwater camera at the last pool party/bbq we had and it was a friggin' riot. B70 should put that on their website FO SHO!
