Friday, March 20, 2009

They're on to me.

On Friday, Wyatt came home from school all excited and showed me this:

Mom, look what I made. Do you know what it is?
A ball of feces?
What's feces?
No, it's not poop.
Are you sure? Because it looks like poop, and it doesn't smell that hot either.
It's putty! I made it out of dirt. Take its picture.

So I take the picture, show it to him, and set the camera by the computer. And then he says it:
Hey, you'd better not put that on your blog.

The gig is up. I am screwed. The kids know that I've been making fun of them on the blog for just about a year now. It occurs to me that someday, they may read all this. Uh-oh.

I think it's officially taper time around here. I got the long workouts in on Fri/Sat because I knew Sunday morning might be rough. Saturday was a four-birthday-party day, finishing with my friend Kerry's 30th at Level 4 in Waikiki.. a club that opens at 10:30 pm, half an hour after my normal bedtime. We danced until 2:30 am.. all the while wondering why the go go dancer on the left was so familiar. She was in full stripper attire, dancing like a stripper.. just not stripping. And, I realized a few cocktails in to the morning, she was my daughter's sweet little ballet teacher. Who, it turns out, is not so much sweet as she is hot.

So today was recovery morning.. which means paddleboarding! Katherine and I went out for a bit, but it was windy and there were some decent sized sets rolling through, so we didn't last too long. Just long enough to see a turtle, run into a few swimmer friends and paddle for dear life when the channel closed out.

Sky stealing the board.. and me, just before I realized that the surf was a little big for a leash-less paddleboard.

I came up this morning in a haze and overhead a conversation in the kitchen between Henry and Ramsey. Dad, what's an essay? and then, without skipping a beat: It's a gang friend. So now the poor kid is probably wondering if he has to join a gang to do his homework...


  1. That is hysterical about your daughter's ballet dancer. For a while, everytime I went home and brought friends from the northeast who thought going to a Hooters in Florida was a tourist destination, our waitress would be one of my old high school classmates.

  2. Ballet teacher?! That's awesome. All that dance skill used for good AND evil!

  3. "A ganfg friend." HAhahaha... Oh man. that was good.

  4. You're a trooper for being out that late! I can't even imagine. Looks like a nice day in the water... :)

  5. well, at least your kids dont read your blog yet...or do they :) Mine do and I have been in trouble before because of it...only in a good way..

  6. Dance until when??? I did that last year and it took me 6 months to recover.

  7. Nice job with the dancing - WOW, I can't stay up that late... and I don't have kids! I'm impressed! BEAUTIFUL day on the water - looks fantastic. I see lots of paddle boarders out here, but all in full wetsuit attire. And that would kind of take the fun out of it - don't you think? ENJOY the taper!!! Good times!!!

  8. Enjoy the taper! That water looks fantastic to play in.
    Your kids crack me up.

  9. I've been behind on blogging and commenting...but you're one of the first people I go to when I have a moment to get back to the blogging gang because I know I will inevitably smile and crack up. :)

    HILARIOUS about the ballet teacher!

    Do you want to know what I thought Wyatt was holding? An owl pellet (which is not feces). That's a throwback from my outdoor ed teaching I feel like a nerd.

    Loved the 'gang friend' thing too...thanks for the smiles. :D Happy tapering, Rach!

  10. I LOVE the paddle boards!! They are so much fun! I'm counting down the days until the Yolo (paddle board) races start up here again!

  11. ha ha ha, ha ha hah ah aha haahhahahahahaahhahah!! That is the BEST joke ever about the essay! YOU really should use your family (no offense)and start a new comic! You'd be the most read for sure...

    Totally jealous of the paddling, coach is here, we are doing 30hrs this week, no rest for Lavaman...which means no time to paddle or surf, please have some ocean fun for me!

    AND nice scar, that thing is still so noticeable! AND... are you really not coming? Darn it, but I understand. You would have won the whole thing!

    Hope you are GREAT!
