Tuesday, March 10, 2009

swim wagon

I'm on, then I'm off, I completely forget to swim for a week.. it's bad. Last night I went to Oahu Club masters, partly because I chose to run over going to 5:30 am UH masters and partly because I thought Oahu Club would be easier. I was wrong. I rode my bike out to Hawaii Kai into yet another crazy rain/wind storm that came out of nowhere, and almost kept going right past the pool just because the thought of the ride home after seemed miserable. But I made myself turn in.. and I was early. Early enough to have 1k in the bank before the warm up started. It was a big crowd, with lots of fast swimmers, and Joe threw me right in with them, chasing Lou and Dean in the fast lane. Oh boy. 

Right off the bat it was a series of 200s. My lane was going on 3:00. Which is funny, because I can't swim 200 meters in 3 minutes. But what do you know, with the fear of Dean lapping me looming, I came in at 2:50. A new world record! For me. I didn't feel fast, I felt discombobulated and like I was floundering around.. after lots of 200s came the 50 m sprints. After four of them, I climbed out at the hot tub end and told the gang that I was at 3500, my pool max. They booed me and lured me back in with promises of a ride home.. and then made me dive in for the next sprint. I don't understand the physics of diving in with goggles on.. but magically, they stayed on my face. For the first time ever in a pool, and only the 5th time in my life, if you count the four times I had to swim it in an ironman, I swam 4k.

I got out knowing that in less than 10 hours, I would be running intervals. Todd called the workout when I showed up at 5:45 am this morning: 16 x 400 on 1:45. I like going in blind - it keeps me from worrying about the workout in advance. My quads did the evil lactic acid buildup thing in the very first interval.. and then totally came around. The rest interval was shorter than I've ever done, but it paid off because the miles flew by. TI in the tights was gone in a heartbeat, but I kept him within yelling distance for every interval and made it all the way through, which often feels like an accomplishment in itself.

An evening of rest (read: I should be on the trainer but I'm tired) gave me time to catch up on a stack of magazines - and I found this very short story that I have to share: Mouse Au Vin. I was sucked in at the end of the second paragraph with I did a pretty solid forward roll. This is why I love the New Yorker. I totally look all edumacated while riding the bus, but really, I'm laughing at mouse jokes.

The camera cord is lost. I'm very sad. Stay tuned for my first ever poll - who gets to keep my new Oakleys. They're very gold, and very girly, but R has a point when he says they make him look like Elvis. He wants to keep them. Photos to follow..



  1. Great swimming Rachel. Ahh, you ARE a swimmer.

  2. That's a tough track workout! Kind of like a swimming workout but on the track instead! (and not much rest like swim workouts either). Anyway - great job on both that and the swimming! Hope you have a great day!

  3. That was a lot of work. Good job. Sounds like you do your swimming workouts like I do my bike workouts - few and far between. Glad to know I am not the only one out there with avoidance issues.

  4. No way I'm running 10 hours after a swim like that!

  5. Find that cord! I am so against this..."stay tuned" thing, it's like a kid at Christmas, find it now!!

    AWESOME swim, holy cow that long course swimming freaks the crapola outta me... I am so glad you still got it!!

  6. Way to rock the swim and the run. Just reading about it makes me feel tired...

  7. Congrats on the WORLD record!! Way to get the swimmming in....and those 400's ouch!!!
    Love the Red Wine...I would be the one doing the somersault!! Hilarious! :)

  8. Great swim and wholly molly on the track workout!!!
    I have to tell you I LOVE the word "discombobulated", it is sooo fun to say :)

  9. discombobulated.. I love that word and should use it more often as that is how I've been feeling lately. One more month and TGP is pulling out my way cool Lucky sweats. IF.... my ass doesn't turn into a barn from not running.

  10. "A new world record! For me." Hahahaa...greatness!

    and it appears your 3500 "pool max" hasn't hurt ya a bit. Nice work.

  11. I get confused about being on or off the wagon. If you stop drinking you are on the wagon. So, if you are off the wagon ... that means you ARE swimming?

    I guess maybe it depends on the type of wagon?

  12. How swimmers ever keep their goggles on while diving in the pool is sooooo beyond me! Every time we have to do dive-in sprints I swim with eyes full of water - it is completely retarded! (or it might just be me!)

  13. At first I though 16X400 was a swim workout! Thank god that was wrong! Great job on the 200's. Sometimes fear is a great motivator...

  14. OUCH 400's on 1:45....like 20 seconds-ish rest? whoa puke in my mouth.
    nice job rach!

  15. oooh. aaron sent me the "mouse au vin" article a few months ago. one of the funniest things i've read in ages. afterwards, we were like "who else do we know that would appreciate this. . ." it's a good sign rr.

  16. Great job on the workouts and getting yourself back in the pool. Dont know how you do the long course, i def need the push off the walls.

  17. I just read the mouse article...freakin hilarious! Thanks for sharing :-)
