Tuesday, November 4, 2008


My three munchkins, this summer, peacing-out in front of our future president's Hyde Park house. :)

I still can't see. Hospital, Drs, drugs, chiropractor.. don't know what's next. I can't imagine not having it at this point; this is the migraine that refuses to go away. Half of everything on my left side is swirling, glowing, spinning and making me sick. Back to closing my eyes.. can't get into a neurologist until 11/18. I heart Kaiser. Thank you, everyone, for the emails, the well-wishes on the blog, the ideas, etc. I'm faking it at the job. It's not purty. I'll be back on when I can see the whole screen again..


  1. Hope it gets better, I am thinking about you!

  2. OBAMA!!!! Hopefully he'll cure your nasty migrane?

  3. It must Obama in the air... he is floating around and causing the eye itch...

    WWRD??? That was my mantra while voting today, what would Rachel do?

    Ha ha, hope you get well chica...

  4. Hang in there Rachel and YES WE CAN! That man can speak! So cool you two went to the same school.

  5. I thought for sure Obama getting elected would cure this crap for you... damn it.

    Thinking of you... hang in there, lady.

  6. I just want to add that I'm very impressed with your dedication to your blog. Even blind, in the midst of a horrendous migraine you're still posting updates!

    Hope you turn the corner in a hurry - at least you can relax, secure in the knowledge that your fellow countrymen finally made an intelligent choice. Congrats!

  7. Hey, have you thought about acupuncture? I have a great one in Kailua, sort of my last resort when nothing else works. She's great with the needles, the burning weed stuff and the strange chinese herb pills she give you, and it helped me with my migraine this summer. She takes Kaiser if you have the chiro/acupuncture coverage on your plan.

  8. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! President Obama! Thought I would share some of my enthusiasm with you! LOVE the peace signs. Hope you can see again soon.

  9. Hang in there Rachel! Thinking of you and hoping the pain disappears and the eyesight reappears soon! Wish I had some helpful trick but I don't...

  10. Thinking of you!!! Hope this sorts itself out SOON.

  11. So sorry about your eye. I get migraines that are debilitating too. Have you ever tried supplementing with magnesium?

  12. sending you a lil' "care pkg" today. sit tight.

  13. RR, hope you are feeling better soon. Kids are cute in this pic!

  14. sending TONS of extra healthy vibes and prayers your way!!!!! i know what your going through, this is a migraine-getting, hospital visiting veteran - be better soon!

  15. This experience sounds downright terrifying. And having to start a new job on top of it all sounds even scarier. I hope this resolves quickly.

  16. Hi!
    Checking in on you. Sorry you can't go to Vegas. No metal death box ride is the silver lining. :-)
    REST UP Maybe you need some shopping therapy.

  17. Wishing you a speedy recovery!! Hang in there.

  18. two weeks to a neurologist ? gracious God.

    I had no idea there was such a thing as a permanent migraine, but I find for example the NYT migraine blog

    best of luck, best wishes, hope it's soon fixed..

  19. You poor thing.....I feel for you:) Hope you get it figured out soon as you know we all need your dose of humor:)

    Hugs and speedy healing!!

  20. Hope you get better soon. You are a champ for acting like nothing is wrong at work.

    Yeah O'bama!

  21. Oh Jeez Rachel, I sure hope it goes away soon, I'm so sorry you are still dealing with it!

  22. Having to wait two weeks to see a neurologist does not surprise me. When I returned to England 12 years ago in really bad shape I was initially told I would have to wait a month to see the specialist. Fortunately, the GP got me to meet with him the next day. Sometimes you just can't wait. In Taiwan the health service is heaven by comparison. Stay positive.

  23. OH man that sucks. I hope that you start getting better quick. On another note-Happy Happy Joy Joy OBAMA ROCKS!

  24. I found your blog through Beth's. Such a fun read. I'm so sorry your dealing with all that right now. I hope your feeling better and seeing clear very soon :)

  25. awe Rach. I honestly cannot believe you're anywhere but a dark room. You are so much tougher than me...I've been there and I would not be doing anything but laying in a dark room with something cool and soft on my eyes. I don't know what else to say. You are one badass woman.

    My head hurts just thinking about it.

    P. Smack

  26. I am so sorry, Rach. From one migraine sufferer to another....I feel your pain. Days of migraine is intolerable though. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I am really hoping you feel better soon and they figure out how to treat it...

  27. Rach, I hope you feel better soon.
