Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey, wasps and wallabies. Oh, and J.Lo.

Ramsey just suggested we move to Somalia and become pirates. Law school must be super fun this week. Henry's passport has expired, so we have some time to think on this.

We're about to pack it in and go ewa. I use the term go ewa all the time (it's said ev-uh, just in case you're a mainland haole as opposed to a resident haole like me) to tell people to head west. But I never actually go all the way to Ewa. But before I go I'll hit the Turkey Trot in the morning. It's a 10 mile chunk of the marathon course. You pay $3 and they give you a popsicle stick. You guess your time, write it on the stick, and then run with it. No watches, garmins, ipods etc allowed. When you cross the line they write your time on your stick and the closest guess wins. I think they get a turkey, but I wouldn't know. I consistently underestimate myself by at least 5 minutes. This year I'll shoot for 70 minutes. I think I know a 7 minute mile. Maybe I'll give myself too much credit.

I spent 4 hours on another base today. I don't get all that excited about hour meetings that run for four, especially those that don't provide food or water or alcohol or ritalin. There should have been ritalin in the water. What amazed me was the excessive wealth of the military.
I was reminded of J Lo flying her eyebrow groomer around with her at all times because she can. I spent my afternoon trying to sleep with my eyes open while listening the military version of I might get an ingrown, so I need her here to pluck.

Even though I realize the election is over, I still love this campaign propaganda and must share:

In local news today, I found that Hawaii purposefully introduced a non-native species. It's a wasp that we hope will kill other wasps that are killing native wiliwili trees. Super. Hawaii has an excellent history with introductions, like that time they brought mongeese (mongooses?) in to eat all the rats in the sugar cane. Too bad the mongoose likes the sun and the rats are nocturnal. I wonder if a rat has ever even seen a mongoose? Some of our native birds are nearing extinction.. maybe we should bring in the brown tree snake from Guam to eat the rest! I learned something new in searching for other introductions to make fun of. There are wallabies on Oahu. Time to take the kids hiking in Kalihi!


  1. wasps to kill other wasps? that sounds like a bad joke or one of those kids books where youre suppose to learn something at the end.

    the best brownie place in marin is suppose to be some steak house in novato. but of course if you come to novato we will have to go

  2. Okay even as a Republican..... he does look damn cool. Have a great run and Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Maggs was telling me about the species introductions while in Kona. I told her I was worried about this little kitty I saw when I was out for my run just to find out it was most likely feral. CRAZY!
    (oh, and it was pretty cool to see a mongoose when I was there too)

  4. Humans sure are smart, aren't they? ;)

    I'm a little behind on your blog...hope to spend my turkey day catching up a little! Hope you guys have a GREAT Thanksgiving.

    And yeah, becoming a pirate is all the rage these days.

  5. that turkey trot is the coolest.

    hey. haole unscrambled is a-hole...

  6. That race sounds like a blast! Have a great time and Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. The end of first semester in your first year is the worst in law school. It gets much better and third year is gravy.

    Obama's interview with Barbara Wawa was great. I've never been so excited about a president.

  8. What's a predator of a wallaby? We might need to introduce that soon :-)

    happy Thanksgiving.

  9. You could always put your time down as 75 mins and then slow down accordingly at the end to be the closest to your goal time...

  10. That run sounds like so much fun! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
