Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have a whole page in the December issue of Honolulu Magazine. Because you're reading this, it's unlikely anything I wrote is news to you. Because it's just like my blog. But it's really exciting to see it in print! And to get paid for it. I love the art work they put together, though I have to admit that my volvo wagon isn't that hippie. It's more yuppie. And a little scary. Something is eating the spilled candy.

And Stefan sent this from Inside Tri's Kona photos - making me twice published, I suppose. The love I have for swimming just shines right through, doesn't it? Katherine, too. Do not be alarmed, I don't have leprosy. Those are crash scars.

I felt a little better over the weekend. Actually, there was a week without migraine pain. My vision didn't clear up, but I was overly optimistic and attempted to renew my driver's license. I failed miserably and was given the geriatric "you're so blind you can only drive with a Dr's note" slip of paper. Two months ago I came in at 20/15 in both eyes at a physical. The migraine started all over again Sunday night. I'm committed to 12 hour work days sampling ground water for the next 7 days straight. If someone told me shooting heroin would cure me, I would totally do it. And you know how I feel about needles. Cut off my own leg to end this forever? No problem.

Things could be worse. My children are lying here next to me giggling at lame Hannah Montana jokes. The boys are secret Hannah lovers - make fun of them next time you see them. They're all joy and happiness and health. And if someone's health has to fall to pieces, at least it's mine.

I'm drowning my pain in hot tamales.


  1. very cool! congrats on getting published :)
    and i totally get your water reaction - i knew that water was cold, i was so sure it was going to be a wetsuit legal swim this year...

  2. GREAT read in the paper and LOVE the foto... nice abs mother of 3!!!

    I am not joking needle lover, go try acupuncture for your vision & head ache... at least humor me with a bunch of needles poking in your face.

    Hope the marathon training is going well too! Brooke will be there for me this year and she will cheer for you for me :)

  3. I loved your article, it is so witty. You definitely have the talent. The photo is also very interesting.

  4. nice writing Rachel!
    thanks for the link. see you out there one saturday.

  5. I love the article Rachel! I can't wait to read more. ;) Will it be a regular thing? Anyway...I'm not sure I would quite call you a "recreational cyclist"! :)

    Sorry about the migraine coming back. You are so patient to be dealing with it so well!

  6. "recreational cyclist"? um, okay. Great article! You look fantastic..I really hope and pray that your migraines clear up, it sounds like you're really suffering. ((hugs))

  7. So funny because I was just about to write you saying I saw another ad of your for the kona coffee in the Triathlon Magazine and yes your were with Katherine again!
    Keep up the publicity!!

  8. Wow..you're super famous..very cool! Hope the eye/migraine thing clears up soon.

  9. Very cool article. Hm, recreational cyclist with a carbon-fiber racing bike? :)

  10. I love it! Keep submitting articles. Make this hobby (and talent) of yours profitable. Just don't start charging a subscription to read your blog, ok? ;)

  11. Great article.

    At least it is only your work where you are not allowed a bike. Try living in an apartment block that does not allow bikes inside. Lots of sneaking around was required. Thankfully I have now moved.

  12. Great article. Fun to read, too. I am really hoping that your migraine passes very soon...but, as a mom, your comment about how it's better you than your children makes so much sense. I take my own health for granted, but even more my daughter's.

  13. Great article! Congrats on getting published! Your kids are to funny...the boys in my house are secretly obsessed with Hannah Montana also :)

  14. Love the article! Congrats on all of the press time. :)

  15. Congrats! And did you know that Madonna's favorite candy is hot tom-toms? Good choice.

  16. Congrats on the publication. Would it infringe on copyright if you just scanned in the page and posted it? Do you care?

  17. Yayyy congrats on the article and awesome pic in inside tri...please tell me your secrets as to how you get those stellar abs? :)

    I agree with Bree - maybe some needles in your head (acupuncture) might help out. I'm a huge fan of the acupuncture!!!!

  18. nice job with the writing and the being famous, etc

  19. LOVE the article - GREAT! Cool photo spread as well - I'm with Shannon, spill the ab secret! :) Its not all genes, I know!! Acupuncture could help, also cool or warm wash cloths over the eyes - whenever my head starts hurting, I'll place one there. Sometimes the back of my neck as well...

    Hang in there RR! I think you're stellar!

  20. Rachel, great! article! Recreational cyclist?!? You need a beater road bike, get an old, ugly one with good components that no one will want to steal. It will lower your style points, but your hot cyclist legs will make up for it.

    Take care and feel better.

  21. Great article. It is interesting that even in HNL buildings aren't allowing bikes in offices. Silly. Ask Tim Hola about the time he rode his mountain bike to 161 N. Clark...and how he got it back on Navy Pier when walking with Nikki. Great story.

    I just bring it in. My office...I can do what I want with it.

    A less agressive and more...well, nice way would be to schedule a meeting with the building super and tell them how/why it is important to bring your bike in.

    Good luck.

  22. Hey good luck this weekend, have that goal time in sight and don't let it go, even at mile 18 or 20 when it gets tough. I dedicated my most recent blog entry to you, I think you would be proud...I think.

  23. Congratulations on the great article - excellent writing! Sorry to hear about the continuing migraine, I hope that it disappears soon. Good luck with the upcoming work week!

  24. What a great article in Honolulu Magazine! Congrats. It does read somewhat like your blog but that is a very good thing!

  25. love the article! love it!!!!!!!!!!

  26. LOVE the article! Congrats on getting both published and (even better) PAID!!

    I'm here to give your eyes a talking too...they simply must shape up. Stop goofing off. Get with the program.

    And any other cliche I can think of.

  27. Damn, what deal do I need to make to get abs like that?

    Congrats on the publish!

  28. Congrats on the article! And good choice with the hot tamales.

  29. I just read the article. Very well done, R! I chuckled and especially liked how you ended it. Congrats!

  30. Good luck with the migraine. And that little bad-ass below it pretty cute! Ha!

  31. Good reads Rach....and I agree what is your secret with your abs...can you write about that for us jello Mom's

  32. Going to go read it...CONGRATS ON THE PUBLISHING (twice!)!!!

    So bummed for you about this migraine stuff. arrrgh. I'm willing it away, but I don't know if that will help very much.

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. :)

  33. You're a fantastic writer. Hope something works for your migraine(s).

  34. Congrat's on the published articles, your amazing! However, I am so sorry your head pain is still hindering life :-( I wish I knew of the secret fix, until then coffee shots chased by nuun!

  35. I forgot to tell you how much I liked that article! Are you guys going to Chicago for christmas?
