Sunday, July 13, 2008


Venizia! I forgot to change the time on my watch.. but kept being right about the time. Turns out I really am half way around the world, twelve hours ahead.

The flying was uneventful, and for the 9.5 hour flight from Atlanta to Venice I had my own row to sleep in. I flew with the hub and my youngest two siblings, Celia and Tommy. We were delayed in Atlanta, along with everyone and their mother, which left us with only 3 hours in Venice. We hopped on the public boat for a ride to San Marco Piazza, which ended up being a great tour of the canals.

We encountered some horribly rude American tourists screaming at the boat captain for not being able to drop them off at the Pier. They were so loud and mean that they were kicked off the boat at the next stop and they had the nerve to yell at the captain for not just telling them where to go, damnit. Even though the man only spoke Italian! We proceeded to talk about how much we missed Canada, eh? and how great Molson is, eh? for the rest of the ride.  Got out and checked out the San Marco Piazza, acting like american jackasses (polite ones) here and there for photos, then wandered our way back to the port through the gorgeous maze that is Venice.

Ramsey, Celia & Tommy.

On to the boat! My mom insisted we close the curtains because the hotel is moving, people, and she might puke. We ate too much, drank even more, and watched a 9pm sunset (so late!) from the pool deck. Living in Hawaii really isolates us from the family, most of whom are in Illinois and Florida. All the kid cousins have grown up! And my brother Peter, whom I had not seen in over 2 years while he did a second Peace Corps stint in Georgia, hasn’t changed a bit.

The Mom & 4/5 of her kids. Patrick couldn’t come. We’re going to take a family photo with Ramsey standing in for Patrick and scowling so we feel like he was here. It will be my parent’s holiday card photo. We didn't really make fam reunion shirts.. but Tom found two Gomez Family Reunion shirts at the Goodwill, which the boys refuse to take off.

Croatia next.. there is nothing prettier than an old city, we're pulling in and it's all stone buildings with red tile roofs and trees and cliffs. We're going to find a place for a long swim in the Adriatic, and then walk around till we drop.. 


  1. You have a very nice family. It's hard for me to imagine what a family reunion is.

  2. Sounds like you are having a blast!! Your family is beautiful. Hope Croatia is as amazing as it sounds!

  3. Wow, guys are SO lucky ! An experience like this is amazing - enjoy! Your mom looks great and the pic of the 5 of you is super! Jen H. :)

  4. One of my take-aways from my Yellowstone trip with the fam this past week is how stupid, rude and selfish tourists can be. This may be an American phenomenon. I wish I could exclude a couple of my family members from that assessment, but alas, I cannot.

    Enjoy your trip! Sounds wonderful and the picture of your mother and siblings is great. The resemblance is remarkable.

  5. When travelling, I try to avoid wearing tennis shoes and white socks--pegs you as an american tourist. Enjoy Croatia and post lots of pics, pls! So great to be travelling vicariously through you.

  6. Hope you have a great time in Croatia. It's one of the best places I've visited.

  7. Give your Mom a BIG hug....she looks awesome and gives me hope that I WILL still have a full head of hair later down the road....with all my kids driving me nuts:) I LOVE your family photo..BEAUTIFUL!!! Enjoy your trip and your family!!!!

  8. Enjoy the rest of your trip and time with your family. It looks like a great place to visit.

  9. oh...I am so glad you are updating us from your trip. The metal death box didn't sound so bad! Yay!
    Wow, great family shot. Y'all look like you wore braces! Great smiles!! Happy travels!!!!

  10. sounds like you are having a great time. glad the plane was not too scary! have a wonderful time with your family in all of those cool places!

  11. Wow Rach! Look at you. All in one piece and you're far, far away. I've missed reading your blog and I'm so glad you are posting about your trip.

    Looks like ya'all are having a great time. I'm horrified about the rude american story. Man, that's embarrassing. Smart to "play canadian" in those instances.

    Love the pics. Like usual, you crack me up.


    ps-keep your eyes peeled for any Hotel Phaedra's in Greece....there are a few scattered about.
