Friday, July 4, 2008

Celebrate every victory, no matter how small

No, I didn't win anything. One has to show up to win. But Coach Paul is big on celebrating every victory, PR, or well, just about anything good. The guy must drink a lot.
Great race, let me buy you a beer! 
Congrats on the new house, let's go out! 
My big toenail finally fell off, wanna go get shots?

At first I thought it was a little hokey. And then it caught on. We should find joy in each improvement.. those little steps (remember kaizen?) So what are we celebrating today, blogland? A six mile run. I know, 45 minutes of running, whoop-de-freakin-do. There have been times in my life that I didn't feel like 45 minutes was worth putting my shoes on for. But the return to my lonely ipod, my lonely saucony tangents, and my old six mile loop, with no knee pain and a new pair of T9 run shorts to run the farthest I have since that April day in Tempe.. well, that is worth celebrating.

To me, anyway. My husband thinks I'm a jackass for being as excited as I am and says he thinks there will be fireworks at Ala Moana tonight in my honor. I am pretty sure that was sarcasm. But we're off to watch the fireworks anyway.


  1. Yippee I think that should be a celebration....I am happy and partying with you on that run :) just think that run will be higher mileage real no need to push it!!!

    Enjoy your 4th and your family and that run!!!

  2. Here ye, here ye......VICTORIOUS!!! And no pain, that's REALLY the success in all of this.....Enjoy your 4th!!!

  3. Seriously, no joking, Coach is ALL about celebrating victories of all sizes, I have blogged about his addiction to celebrating too! He is totally right though... annoying how so many of us in blogland are filled with chatter about hurt this and sore that and poor this and darn that and so few celebrate on the great little things!


    Celebrate it... and the fire works are all for you baby!

  4. So glad you had a pain free run! Nothing better :) Go celebrate and enjoy the day. Courtney

  5. 6 miles pain free is definitely worth celebrating! Hope you have a nice 4th and celebrate your victory in stlye.

  6. I TOTALLY agree....if we don't celebrate the small victories then we are waiting a long time for the big ones. Does that even make sense? Who knows, but perhaps I should not blog on the 4th of July night time after I have been at a BBQ all day .... yeah on the 45 min run!!! :) JEN H.

  7. Lets go get that beer! I am cheering for your victory!!!!!


  8. That's awesome!! It's all about the little things! Congratulations!

  9. I'm with Bree, the fireworks ARE for you!

  10. That's so awesome Rachel!Finally...PAIN FREE RUNNING! Let's celebrate...I'll buy you a beer next time I'm in HI!

  11. Sounds like you have a fun coach!! Enjoy all the celebrations-You've certainly earned them :-)

    You're patience is worth celebrating too!

  12. definitely worth a celebration! i will take you out for a drink or two when i'm in hawaii ;)

  13. Are you kidding me? I set off fireworks in Spoka Vegas for YOU - this is HUGE. I'm thrilled for you!!! :)
