Tuesday, July 22, 2008

12 things to do in 12 weeks.

1. Go from walking during a 4 mi run to running 26.2 in less than 3:18.

2. Go from whining I'm tiii-red at mi 28 of a ride (today) to whining I'm tiii-red at mile 108.

3. Get out of the kiddy pool and into the one with lanes.

4. Get a ticket to Kona. And a room. And maybe a car.

5. Find someone to give me a ride to Victoria for camp in Sept. Anyone have a lear? 

6. Stop calling my sons by my brothers' names.

7. Convince husband to shave off Turkish mustache. We're not in Turkey anymore, honey.

8. Design the perfect Splish for Kona. Must be orange and Timexy, and have a peace sign. 

9. Convince Coach/husband/boss to let me go to Nationals in Oregon.

10. Give up sugar for the 143rd time.

11. Keep knee healthy.

12. Convince Sky to start wearing undies.

I don't know that I've left enough time for all that Kaizen stuff.


  1. number 7 has to happen TONIGHT! Please Ramsey, let her shave that thing!!

    Oh, the ride to Victoria, I need one too. Let's swim, it might be good Kona training...

  2. You can do it Rach, if anyone can it's YOU!!!!

    :-) Mary

  3. Somehow I think the last one might be the hardest.... Hope re-entry has not been too bad.

  4. What is it with husbands and vacation facial hair??? Mine grows a goatee, but luckily he has no qualms about shaving it off as soon as we're home.
    I know you'll be able to accomplish your first two goals w/ no problems, and I'll be sending healing thoughts on #11--which I'm trying to do too.
    Welcome Home!

  5. What is the deal with kids not wanting to wear underwear! Ryan NEVER wanted to wear them until a few months ago. He didn't see the need to wear any extra layers in the Arizona heat.

    It is going to be a busy few months for you, but you can do it! Priority #1 should be to get rid of hubby's facial hair! If he doesn't do it on his own - shave it while he's sleeping :)

    Happy Training!

  6. Glad to see you are back safe and sound (with a full list of things to do!) Guess life would be dull otherwise :) Good luck getting the list crossed off. I've been making my own list and don't know where to even start! One that is not on my list is the mustache. I don't think my husband can even grow one, but if did and wanted to keep it--I'd have to tie his hands behind his back and shave it off:)-

  7. Oh and that Splish sounds neat! I need some help designing one. I figure it might get me started swimming :) Courtney

  8. Welcome home! Yeah, what IS IT about men/vacation and facial hair? They LOVE the fact that they are not 'forced' to shave...but your hubby's looks a little Turkish is right!! lol. Happy training! Jen H.

  9. Who is that guy that you have your hands around the neck of? Kind of looks like Hitler's brother. If you guys ever go out to dinner, you may want to be cautious about who 'heils' the waiter...might not go over so well.

    Love the list. Love the optimism.


  10. That mustache definitely has to go!

    You will be back into the swing of things in no time.

  11. OH YEAH SHAVE THAT "SHit stash"..What is wrong with not wearing underwear??? I guess don't ever let me borrow a pair of shorts of yours:) List is great...glad you made it back to your kids safely...are you ready for another vacation YET :)

  12. So, how about a trip to MI? Can that be #13? :)

  13. Somehow, I'm not as exited about this pic as you are Rachel. Let's have more pics of you dancing!

    Shitstach!? Hitler's Brother!? Those are just mean.. You're both on my shitstach list.

  14. OMG - Shave that thing off....HAHAHAHA! Love your list....you can do it all Rach!!


  15. I'm with you, the mustache has GOT to go.

    As far as finding your way to Victoria-get er' done! Come on, I'm all signed up and WILL be there.....the WHOLE time.

    Done blowing chunks? Hope the belly feels all better now.

    night night-
    P. Keebler

  16. #9-I sure hope to see you at Nationals. I just booked my flights...I guess I should actually resgister for the race now.

    #8-I still can't grasp wearing only a Splish suit for an Ironman. Owie...but you'll look great!!

  17. it looks porn-star-ish (the mustache, that is..) nice! post your custom suit! and good luck with 12 weeks of hittin' it hard

  18. OMG that picture is hilarious - what a moustache!!! I'm so glad you had a great trip with your family, and are now raring to go for training and racing! I'll be cheering you on every step of the way!!

    I know, I know - my blog has been neglected lately. I've been spending way too much time cheering all my friends on who are racing (since I'm too poor to race right now :( ), and haven't had too much content for my own blog...BUT, I'll try to finagle something for a little post :). I was going to do a whole spread on the Tour de France coverage, but I've been falling asleep before I can watch it at 9pm every night heheee.

  19. Rachel, your friend Maredith has excelent taste.
    Boom chicka bow bow.
