Monday, June 22, 2009

Re-entry. Again.

Back to reality. Again. 
Good-bye Maui sunsets over Kahoolawe and pretty Kea Lani..

Good-bye Katherine and John.. well, until tomorrow or maybe Weds.

Good-bye, Earthfu#!#r 4000 that we kind of got used to..

The last day on Maui was very mellow. I commandeered a lounge on the Four Seasons beach with the last book in the Twilight series. I know, I'm not 13. They gave me an umbrella. They brought me ice water and watermelon periodically. It was not a bad day for me. Then evening rolled around and we hit the Taste of Wailea on the golf course for blueberry ginger martinis. And probably some food, I think, but you can tell what stood out here. After the eating (drinking), Katherine, John, and I wandered down to watch Paper Love on the big screen. It was a mock-umentary with Michael Cera. I loved it. But I am a sucker for diarama scenes, kind of like when Sponge Bob and Patrick go on land and SB is a dish sponge on a stick.

The Taste of Wailea was a good argument for why I carry emergency tights and an emergency bikini in my bag at all times. I refer to the bikini as my bag-kini. It turned out to be really windy up on the golf course. What started out as a dress became a top.. the tights were enablers, in a way.

Whine as I may, nothing beats coming back to this:

And my little boys, who are less inclined to smile pretty for the camera.

Now that I'm back to stay, it's time to consider training. K and I decided that July 1 is Day 1 of marathon training. My bike is still in Wisconsin, or at least I think it is. The North Shore Summer Swim Series starts Saturday. I'm going to wing it. Practice is over-rated.


  1. Your "reality" is still pretty rockin'. Fun weekend... please tell Katherine that I'm available to sub as a BFF if you're ever out of commission.

  2. How could you not be happy to come home to a cute face like that... So sweet.

  3. She is just a doll. :o) Welcome back.

  4. who doesn't carry emergency tights and bikini?

  5. How adroable! Yeah to marathon training that is starting on CANADA DAY:)
    Enjoy your the home life!

  6. I love those scenes in Sponge Bob, too. (And it has been well established that I am a 13 year old boy at heart.) I love the name of your rental car - I will be using that in the future (just not around my kids.) Enjoy the swim training and the summer time with all the super cute kiddos.

  7. Love tights! And hey, I almost bought that same dress at Sports Basement! (the orange and yellow one) but you wear it much better.

  8. I got a plan, take another vacation to Kona this weekend and race the Kona half or full with me! Forget training, use it to prep for Honolulu 26.2!!
