Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Enough already.

This here blog is the old blogged stuff that I can't figure out how to import into runlikeamother. Yet. Someday, I'll figure it out. Until then, I'll link to this whenever I want to remember something old. is where it's at, people.


  1. I love your blog! I was about to freak out if you took it all down but then I clicked on the link you posted. Wheeww. Relieved :)
    You make me laugh everyday.

  2. Funny, I'm probably changing my blog address this week too.

  3. Rachel without your posts blog land would be a drag ;-)

  4. Yes, moment of anxiousness when I thought no more bloggy for you. Thank god that's not the case.

  5. Phew. It is a long cold winter without laughs from you.
    Even tho it is over 90 here and everyone is complaining ( typical) I was still anxious about winter with no ocean pics and good stories.

  6. a nice commenter on my blog let me know that i had linked you up wrong in my post today and it took you to a Mega bible suplly site ( i think).
    AWESOME!!! rr my cheesus loving friend!
